In the 1800s, Russia lagged behind European modernization and industrialization Society dominated by nobles Estates worked by serfs No real middle class Rural Poor infrastructure Weak military (as seen in the Crimean War)
Tsar Nicholas I worked to industrialize Russia, but was resistant to ideas that questioned the old order Due to Decembrist Revolt Slavophiles : Russian intellectuals who favored resisting western European influences Promoted Orthodox Church, rule of the Tsar and the system of serfdom
1861, Tsar Alexander II emancipated serfs Created district assemblies ( zemstvos ) Elected representatives for all classes, but still under czarist authority Encouraged industrialization in the form of infrastructure Trans-Siberian Railroad Trade unions and strikes outlawed Resulted in poor conditions for the lower classes 1881, Alexander II assassinated
By the late 1800s, Russia had expanded East to the Pacific Incorporated Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, etc. Border expansion caused conflict with Japan 1904, Russo-Japanese War Russia again suffered an embarrassing defeat