Pengenalan Experiential Marketing Pertemuan 1 Matakuliah: J0114/Manajemen Pemasaran Tahun: 2008
Bina Nusantara Learning Outcomes Students are capable of explaining the differences between traditional marketing and experiential marketing, using their own words
Bina Nusantara Outline Materi Marketing trends in new millenium Traditional marketing The rise of experiential marketing Characteristics of experiential marketing Case study
Bina Nusantara Marketing Trends in New Millenium (Bernd H. Schmitt, 2001): –The Presence of IT advances: TV, Computer advances, Palm, All-computered programs –Brand Superiority: concerns over brand equity, brand’things’ –New linkage among communications, entertainment and brands: no other communication tools that disconnects to brand as it is always known that brand is built through communication advances
Bina Nusantara Traditional Marketing Features….features…and benefit all the time –Traditional marketers assume that all what customer want and wish is nothing but feature and benefit. Thereby, in all the process of goods and services, the main concern is laid on these two things. New definition of product category and competition –In traditional wave, it is believed that Coca cola competes against Pepsi cola, Aqua and Ades, Pizza Hut and Papa Ron Customers decide something rationally –It is argued in traditional marketing that customers go through the whole process of decision making. From need recognition to evaluation after purchase
Bina Nusantara Traditional Marketing Everything with regards to customers is quantitative, analytical, and outspoken –Questioning all the methods formerly used to study and understand consumer behavior, buying motives, new product test and so forth. –Is marketing research trustworthy to test new products? –Is focus group discussion reliable enough to obtain deeper insights on marketing issues?
Bina Nusantara Characteristics of Experiential Marketing Create a unique customer experience: customers expects something than just purchasing something as they are exposed to a store, a product/service, or a brand. Thereby, experiences that can relate customers to a brand or company should be developed through their senses, hearts, and mind in which stimulations can be delivered
Bina Nusantara The Rise of Experiential Marketing Today, customers take functional features and benefits, product quality and a positive brand image as a given. What they want is products, communications and marketing campaigns that dazzle their senses, touch their hearts, and stimulate their minds. They want products, communications and marketing campaigns that they can relate to and that they can incorporate into their lifestyles (Bernd H. Shmitt, p.22)
Bina Nusantara Characteristics of Experiential Marketing Identifying the consumption situation: to recognize what experience offered to customers, one should analyze the consumption situation which explains the environment in which customers consume a product/service
Bina Nusantara Characteristics of Experiential Marketing Customers are emotional being: despite their rationality, customers can be stimulated through their emotion. This connects to the nature of customer as a human being Methods and tools are eclectic: Be explorative and do not focus on reliability, validity and so forth.
Bina Nusantara Carrefour is a hypermarket providing one-day stop shopping To enrich consumer shopping experience, management provides with: –Ease to find merchandise –Comfort during purchase process by delivering good sounds of music –Snack corner within the area of shopping –A friendly-enviromental shopping bag sold at cashier – Kid-stoller trolley for toddlers –Wheel chair for paralyzed consumers –Advertising that connects Carrefour to Shopping –Discounts for each product category in different season
Bina Nusantara Conclusions: Today is the era of experiential marketing The traditional way of thinking has shrunk. A good marketer should study to persuade his customers thorough sense, heart and mind Customers are emotional and rational being. Thereby, marketers can deliver stimulations through their senses, hearts and mind that can connect product, communications and campaign to customers’ lifestyles