Before We Begin Please download the files from as we will be using them in our walkthroughs
Dreamweaver 1: Getting Started
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Dreamweaver 1: Getting Started
Objectives In this course, you will learn how to: Create your site’s folder structure Navigate the Workspace Create a webpage Add text, images, embedded videos, and links to your pages Structure text & page layout
Lesson 1 Setting up A New Site
File Organization
1.Open Dreamweaver. 2.In the Create New menu, click Site Setup. 3.Enter Workshop in Site Name field. 4.Click folder icon for Local Site Folder field. 5.Click New folder icon in bottom of screen. 6.Type Websites and press Create. 7.Click New folder icon in bottom of screen. 8.Type Workshop and press Create (this will be your root folder for your site – think of it as your home folder). 9.Click New folder icon in bottom of screen. 10.Type Images and press Enter. 11.Navigate back up to Workshop folder and click Choose. 12.In Site Setup window, click Advanced Settings. 13.On Local Info tab, choose Images folder just created for Default Images folder: field and click Choose. 14.Navigate through other tabs, but let them know these are for more advanced features. 15.Click Save. 16.At this point move exercise files to this newly created Images folder. Dreamweaver 1: Getting Started
Walkthrough: Site Definition When finished Files Panel should look like this:
Lesson 2 Navigating the Workspace
Walkthrough Navigation
Tool Bar
Code/Design View
Document Window
Properties Inspector Properties
Insert Panel
CSS Styles Panel
Files Panel
Lesson 3 Creating a Webpage
HTML & CSS Webpages are built up of many different elements, the most common of which are: HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language CSS – Cascading Style Sheets
Getting started in HTML In this course, we will follow the principle that: Content is first (HTML) Presentation is second (CSS) As such, we will focus this workshop on HTML elements of site development, and handle CSS in Dreamweaver 2: Adding Style to Pages
Process 1.Select File > New... from the menu bar 2.Click the Blank Page tab, set the Page Type to HTML, Layout to, and DocType to HTML5. Click Create. 3.Choose Split view to display code and design views. 4.Enter Workshop in the Title field. 5.Open lorem_ipsum.rtf from your saved exercise files. 6.Copy the text from this file. 7.Paste your copied text in the Design View of the Document Window. 8.In Insert Panel, select Common from dropdown menu, then click Images: Image to add each image from the Images folder. Note: Enter Alt Text and a link to description files to accommodate screen readers. These files should also be in your Images folder 9.Save your page, naming the file index.html in the Save window
Walkthrough Page Creation
Lesson 4 Structuring Text
Structuring Text - Recap Broken into two sets of instructions: HTML – defines the type of text (header, paragraph, etc) CSS – defines the style of each type of text
Common Structure Tags TagTag NameDefinition Paragraphparagraph,,, etc Heading 1, 2, 3, etcheadings Unordered Listbulleted list Ordered Listnumbered list List Item items within an ordered or unordered list Anchorhyperlinks
Walkthrough Structuring Text
Lesson 4 Structuring Layout
Divs Provide a means, through HTML, to structurally differentiate layout elements Act as containers Are styled through CSS
Emerging Div Standards The most common names used for Div IDs are: header content nav sidebar footer
Process 1.Select text & images previously entered as main content for webpage (do not include the unordered list starting the text, or the hyperlink footer at the end of the text). 2.Click Insert Div Tag from Insert Panel. 3.Type content in ID field. 4.Click OK.
Walkthrough Structuring Layout
Remember!! Save your file for Dreamweaver 2
Review You should now be able to: Create your site’s folder structure Navigate the Workspace Create a webpage Add text, images, embedded videos, and links to your pages Structure text & page layout
Images Courtesy: Walkthrough images and descriptions: _the_central_cancer_research_labs.jpg at_the_central_cancer_research_labs.jpg y_at_the_central_cancer_research_labs.jpg Icons & interface: Adobe, Inc. & Apple, Inc. The E chang e
What’s next? Dreamweaver 2 – Adding Style to Pages - Dreamweaver CS6 Essential Training The E chang e
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