The smoky fragrance of fire surrounds me as I gasp for breath… Explosions reflect on the moon, sending bright golden sparks of light flying towards me. I shiver with excitement… Aria =)
The beautiful city lights up like stars reflecting a bright glow upon the world. Annabelle
The sun rises with a burst of boldness. Light beams through to start the day with wonder and happiness. Ben
Formed over millions of years, water has slowly carved away the cave, leaving swirly patterns on the rock. Fabian
The bright stunning fireworks explode in your eyes as the gun powder goes in the air, then drifts away to other people’s houses. Vitaliy
The sandy empty beach, with it’s crunch of cold sand, the texture of the beach’s floor - chilly, soggy and hard. Brenna
The botanical gardens are empty late at night and the fragrances of sweet pollen drift through the air. The texture of the petal runs through my hand - soft, smooth and delicate. Jaya
The stunning fireworks burst while you’re gazing in amazement. They fade away so another one can take their place. Renee
As I turn and observe the ice silently melting on the ground, I shiver and feel as if the mysteries of Winter will never be told … Grace
The houses stand out in the gloomy light under the pitch black night sky of the cold, dark, endless London winter. James
The smoky odour of fire drifts up my nose. The explosions crack as bright sparkles surround me. Ella
As the morning sun rises, the breeze blows gently. The sand dries quickly and the waves relax. Kim
Foggy mist swirls around me. I cannot see a thing in the white and grey. I walk through not knowing where I am going…. Logan
A loud display of changing seasons sets the dark midnight sky ablaze. Jeremy
The bright aqua water takes over the murky grey sand and reveals the beauty of the sky clouds. Taine
The huge crash of the fireworks’ colours burst out in tiny sparkles. As I glare up, a miracle is happening around me. Sophie K
The dull sky illuminates the houses below. Lights shine, giving the rooms a homely glow from the street outside. In the cool night air, with the tall buildings around it, the street lamps shine like thousands of galaxies. Sophie D
My whole life flashes before my very eyes as I walk slowly up to the front of the stage. I take a deep breath and then I sing…I sing as if my life depended on it.. Kendra
The golden sun starts to slowly rise over the snowy drizzling mountains, making dewdrops fall from the spring branches. Leah
The bright blazing fireworks explode in my face, leaving gunpowder in the air. Luke
As the dark mist floats around me, it gets foggy and wet and I just want to go home… Maddy
The warmth of the late summer sun, after the winter’s cold, shines against my face, making me so happy that winter is finally over. Morgan
The fire rains down on me and I am soaked in a blaze of light. Liam
The coldness of winter. You can feel it - ice dripping, snow resting and clouds crying. Natasha
The dark sky lights up with a crack of bright colours. The fireworks rain down and sparkle on the grass. Zac
Dark, misty and cold. It looks like grey sand all around me. My heavy footprints remain like holes dug at the beach. Harry
The lonely sound of a car rumbling down the endless, empty highway. Tom
The ripe, juicy apple waits to be chosen for its beauty and colour. D’Arcy
The murky sky lights up with a crack of dazzling colour. Mya
The enormous scary funny cow, is trying to lick the camera with its long slimy brown wet tongue. Tyson