How many of your students come to you with a good understanding of multiplication? Research shows that you should develop student understanding PRIOR TO teaching students an algorithm.
3X groups of 5 = 5 groups of 3
5 x 23 Concrete: Build with tiles, use place value blocks Pictorial: Draw a representation Use this to show how to use the distributive property to solve this problem Number: What does this strategy look like in number Algorithm
Concrete: 5 x 23
Using place value blocks for: 5 x 23
5 X 105 X 10 5 x
Pictorial: 5 x 23 Area model: X X X3 15
Connected to Number:5 x 23 5 x 23 23= X5X5X
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Let’s Reflect Jot down important ideas/strategies you want to remember about teaching multiplication.