Why Study History?
To ensure that great deeds are not forgotten Study history so that you know what great things happened in the past... Christopher Columbus discovers the Americas. Building the Great Pyramids Industrial Revolution
To understand the present and prepare for the future Study history so that you know why things happened in the past, and you can make certain that those things either do or don't happen again... Study history so that you know what is the right thing to do, and so that you can understand how evil happens and can be prevented...
To understand the history of one's nation and to increase patriotism or sense of identity and to encourage civic participation and citizenship Study history so that you can see how important it is to participate in it. Be a part of your country’s history!
Agents of Change ► Change is constantly occurring in history. ► The form of change differs depending on the time and place in history. ► Change does not come in one form. The different types of change can overlap and work at the same.
Note: Internal vs External Influences Internal Influences – come from within a country. External Influences – come from outside a country. Country
Remembering the Different Agents of Change “Pig is Cute” P I G is C E E W T Spelt differently than in sounds!
P I G is C E E W T opulation overnment ontact (with other cultures) nvironment conomic Conditions solation ar echnology and Knowledge
Population ● Population refers to the number of people in a city, region, or country. ● Immigration influences population. Immigration = the movement of people into an area. ● Why immigrate? Difficulties finding adequate food, housing, water, and jobs. ● The same problems can happen to local people when large numbers of people move in. Population is an internal and external agent of change
Isolation ● Isolation = lack of contact with other peoples. ● When a cultural group has minimal or zero contact with other cultural groups it often develops customs, beliefs, and values that are different from other cultures around them. Isolation sits alone. Therefore it is neither an internal nor an external influence.
Government Sir John A. MacdonaldSir Wilfrid LaurierSir Robert Borden ● Different groups of people choose different ways to govern themselves. ● How a government handles education, housing, religion, gender roles, and jobs can create change within a culture. Government is an internal influence.
Contact With Other Cultures ● When different culture groups meet there is an exchange of ideas, customs, and technology. ● Trade is an important form of cultural contact – past and present. Contact with other cultures and countries is an external influence.
Environment (Interaction With) ● Different cultures interact with environments in different ways – usually based on belief systems. ● Environments provide us with our basic needs. ● Environments are always changing. As they change, the people (and the culture) must change with it in order to survive. Interaction with the environment is both an internal and external influence.
Economic Conditions ● Economic Conditions describe how well people are able to meet their basic needs. ● Bad economic times = difficulty providing food, shelter, and clothing for your family. ● Good economic times = able to satisfy basic needs of family. Better education, housing, transportation, food, and health care are available to the people. Economic Conditions can be caused by and be an internal or external influence.
War ● War often produces great changes in the way people live. ● Following a war ideas about family organization, marriage, food, housing, religion, work, and education can change. War can be an internal and external agent of change.
Technology and Knowledge ● Knowledge leads to new things. The greatest being the changes and advancements in technology. ● Old and outdated becomes new and improved. ● New technology changes transportation, jobs, communication, where and how people live, and what people eat. ● Over time, new knowledge can lead to changes in one’s values, beliefs, customs, and traditions. Technology and Knowledge can be both internal and external agents of change.
So Remember... PIG is CEEWT! (Cute)