……………… November 22, 2011 Bell Ringer: HONORS 1. How would YOUR life be changed if there were no cars, cell phone, airplanes, buses, or televisions?
……………… November 22, 2011 Bell Ringer: 1.How would life be different if there were no cars, airplanes, buses, cell phones, or T.V.’s?
……………… November 22, 2011 Vocabulary: 1.Freight: goods or products transported for money.
……………… November 22, 2011 Vocabulary: 2.Ore: a metal that can be mined or dug up from the ground for money.
……………… November 22, 2011 Vocabulary: 3.Self-Sufficient: able to support yourself with what you need to live.
……………… What is this an advertisement for? 2.What are the qualifications necessary for this position? 3.Where should a person answering this advertisement apply? 4.What is a “wiry fellow”? 5.How much could a Pony Express rider earn? 6.What information does this advertisement NOT provide?
……………… November 22, 2011 Exit Ticket: things you learned 2 things that surprised you 1 question you still have