Maintain our Ob/Gyn services without Prenatal Funding Paterson Counseling Center
Aim Ability to bill 3 rd party payors for Prenatal visits. Establish a process for capturing billing information from clients.
Changes Turned an unused space into a receptionist office exclusively for Ob/Gyn clients. Required clients to make appointments and reduce walk-in’s. Designated one staff member to review appointment list and check payor source prior to visit.
Results Billing for visits are done in a more timely manner. Better organization of office procedures helps communication between staff and clients. Reduction in loss of revenue due to MD visits that cannot be billed.
Next Steps Open up communications with another HMO organization to increase our list of 3 rd party payors. Upgrade the billing computer programs so that we can bill the HMO’s electronically.
Impact Organization is key!!! Expansion of payor sources. Fulfillment of our Mission of providing seamless integrated healthcare.