Savvy Interview By Marlena B
An Interview With Mibs Beaumont Interviewer: Hi, I’m here with Mibs Beaumont. Recently, after her 13 birthday she ran away on a bus to find her father in the hospital he was in after a car accident. Mibs, why exactly did you run away? Mibs: Well, the reason I ran away was actually because of my savvy. In my family, on our 13 birthdays we each get a savvy, which is a kind of power special to us. Mine, I thought, was waking people up. I thought this because on my birthday both my sister and my brothers hibernating turtle woke up and I thought I could wake up my dad. Interviewer: And what exactly was your savvy? Did it end up being waking things up? Mibs: No, my savvy was actually reading people’s minds by ink on their skin. For example if a person had a tattoo, I could read their mind.
Interviewer: And, Mibs, how excactly to get to the town of Selina, where the hospital your dad was staying in was? Mibs: Well, at first I rode on a bus. It was a company bus for Heartland Bible supply, actually. Then, after a woman called the police on me, and the others that came along, after seeing our faces on TV, we rode with a kid’s dad, who was a cop. Interviewer: And when you say we, who do you mean? Mibs: The people who came on the bus running away with me were a brother and sister named Will Jr. and Bobbi and my brothers Fish and Samson. Then a woman came on the bus with us, named Lil, and the driver’s name was Lester.
Interviewer: Okay, you say you thought that what you thought was your savvy, waking people up that is, would help your dad. Did your actual savvy, reading people’s minds through ink on their skin, help him? Mibs: Actually yes, reading people’s minds through ink did help him. You see, when I was in the hospital with him, at first I couldn’t hear anything through the tattoo he had on his arm. Then, after I told him not to give up, I could hear him telling himself that, and he woke up! Interviewer: Okay, thanks Mibs.