Where did we leave off??? The Persian War was fought between Greece (all of the city states fought together) and Persia. Greece won. The Delian League: A money account that all city states would pay money to. The account would be used to pay for war if anyone else attacked. Athens is in charge of the money. Sparta starts to become suspicious…. Were they sneaking money out of the fund?
Causes of the Peloponnesian War O verconfident Both sides believed they held advantages (Athens at sea, Sparta on land) over the other and would win, so they moved towards war.
Power struggle Athens started treating Delian League city states as if they were their own property and started using Delian League funds for projects in the city of Athens (statues, etc.) Sparta feared Athens was getting too powerful.
Economics Economics Athens stopped Corinth (Sparta’s ally) from taking over another city-state and cut off all supplies to Corinth. Athens stopped Corinth (Sparta’s ally) from taking over another city-state and cut off all supplies to Corinth. Athens slapped another city state, Megara, with trade sanctions (they could not trade with any allies of Sparta– a death blow to their economy.) Corinth and Megara convinced Sparta to go to war with Athens.
RESULTS OF THE WAR Though Sparta wins, no one could claim victory. The war had resulted in the deaths of many of their citizens. Orchards, vineyards, and fields had been destroyed. The treasuries of the city-states had been destroyed, and faith in democracy had been reduced. As a result of the Peloponnesian War, Greece became weaker, and poorer.
In sum: -Sparta gets jealous of Athens because of the Delian League. -Athens starts becoming over confident and treating others poorly -Sparta and Athens fight over control of Greece…Sparta wins.