Jeopardy Government and Social Class Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Greece at War AchievementsVocabulary Potpourri
$100 Question from Government and Social Class This city-state’s government emphasized participation in government and personal freedom.
$100 Answer from Government and Social Class What is Athens?
$200 Question from Government and Social Class This city-state’s government emphasized order, stability, and leadership by government officials.
$200 Answer from Government and Social Class What is Sparta?
$300 Question from Government and Social Class Three ways that one could become a slave in ancient Greece were debt, birth and by becoming this.
$300 Answer from Government and Social Class What is a prisoner of war?
$400 Question from Government and Social Class The only people that this group had more power than in Greek society was slaves.
$400 Answer from Government and Social Class Who are women?
$500 Question from Government and Social Class Athenian government included a council that proposed new laws, a law court and this group that voted on every law
$500 Answer from Government and Social Class What is an assembly that voted on laws?
$100 Question from Greece at War The Peloponnesian War ended this city’s Golden Age.
$100 Answer from Greece at War What is Athens?
$200 Question from Greece at War Alexander the Great ruled his conquered lands by leaving these people in charge.
$200 Answer from Greece at War Who are Greek governors?
$300 Question from Greece at War The battles of Marathon, Thermopylae and Plataea all happened during this war.
$300 Answer from Greece at War What are the Persian Wars?
$400 Question from Greece at War The reason that Persia gave Sparta money during the Peloponnesian War.
$400 Answer from Greece at War What is they wanted Sparta and Athens to destroy each other?
$500 Question from Greece at War Athenians contributed to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War by treating this league like an empire.
$500 Answer from Greece at War What is the Delian League?
$100 Question from Achievements The Greeks created this athletic tradition to honor Zeus
$100 Answer from Achievements What is the Olympics?
$200 Question from Achievements The Athenians were one of the first groups to have this type of government.
$200 Answer from Achievements What is democracy?
$300 Question from Achievements This was Pericles’ goal when he funded the construction of the Parthenon.
$300 Answer from Achievements What is beautification?
$400 Question from Achievements Aristotle founded this in Athens to teach young men.
$400 Answer from Achievements What the lyceum?
$500 Question from Achievements These Greek achievements were performed at festivals for Dionysus.
$500 Answer from Achievements What are comedies and tragedies (plays)?
$100 Question from Vocabulary The ancient Greeks believed that they could predict the future.
$100 Answer from Vocabulary What are oracles?
$200 Question from Vocabulary A place where Greeks would honor their gods.
$200 Answer from Vocabulary What is a sanctuary?
$300 Question from Vocabulary This caused the death of 1/4 of the population of Athens during the Peloponnesian War.
$300 Answer from Vocabulary What is plague?
$400 Question from Vocabulary This allowed Alexander to spread Greek culture throughout the former Persian Empire.
$400 Answer from Vocabulary What is conquest?
$500 Question from Vocabulary Forming one of these helped protect Greece from a Persian invasion.
$500 Answer from Vocabulary What is an alliance (between Athens and Sparta)?
$100 Question from Potpourri Alexander the Great’s Empire broke apart after his death because of this.
$100 Answer from Potpourri What is he did not name a successor to take over after his death?
$200 Question from Potpourri The growth of Athens’ economic power and empire resulted in this war.
$200 Answer from Potpourri What is the Peloponnesian War?
$300 Question from Potpourri When Athens helped a colony revolt, this war was started.
$300 Answer from Potpourri What is the Persian War?
$400 Question from Potpourri Pericles did this to protect Athens.
$400 Answer from Potpourri What is build long walls to the sea and build up the navy?
$500 Question from Potpourri The city-states of ancient Greece spread Greek culture around the Mediterranean by doing this
$500 Answer from Potpourri What is establishing colonies?
Final Jeopardy How did geography affect the development of Greek civilization? (give at least 3 examples)
Final Jeopardy Answer Developed as independent city- states Used the sea for trade and transportation Could not grow much grain, traded grapes and olives for grain