Physical Geography Archipelago of 13,000 + islands Along equator humid tropical climate rain forests on most islands most active volcanic region in world
Physical Geography
Natural Resources volcanic soil tropical rain forest
History Europeans explored in 1500’s for spices Dutch Colony – set up spice trade Main impact of colonization = economic b/c of plantation agriculture Saved Netherlands from bankruptcy
History 1949 independence from Dutch Was a military government – president depended on military Now republic- first direct presidential election Moving toward democracy- slowed by political and economic instability, social unrest, corruption, and terrorism Video
Human Geography Java is core of country – 2/3 of population live there 300 ethnic groups; 300+ languages spoken Bahasa Indonesia – national language to unify country
Human Geography Religion: Islam brought to islands by traders Largest Muslim population in world
Economy Economy/Agriculture Small farms (rice and other crops) – subsistence agriculture Plantations supply cash crops Early stages of industrialization (textiles, petroleum products, food, wood) Video
East Timor
Human Geography Language- Portuguese and Tetum Religion- 97% Roman Catholic Literacy rate- 58.6%
Government and Economy Republic w/ president and prime minister 70% of infrastructure was destroyed by Indonesian troops and anti- independence militias Economy based on agriculture Some oil and natural gas- but very little jobs in the industry
East Timor Turmoil in East Timor Portuguese colony for 450 years Independence in 1975 Indonesia military take over in 1976
East Timor 1999: vote for independence (Indonesia not want to grant it!!) UN Troops sent in to keep peace as new government established
East Timor May 2002: independent country – UN supported ube.com/watch? v=YBkPgifb2r0 ube.com/watch? v=YBkPgifb2r0