Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in 1 Sridhar Rajappan
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Agenda Review of unit 9 paper requirements Review of Research Designs Preview of coming attractions
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Unit 9 Paper: Finish your Research Proposal Refine previous sections if needed Add: what you hoped to learn
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Scenario: Juvenile Diabetes Research Problem: How can we support parents of children with juvenile diabetes? Background search: parent support groups help Hypothesis: Parent support group can increase parents understanding of diabetes, maintenance efforts for their children, and parents’ hopefulness
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Choices: Juvenile Diabetes Study Nonrandom sampling of volunteers from the special clinic for juvenile diabetics Mixed design research Quantitative measures of how effectively blood sugar levels are maintained Qualitative analysis using survey research of parents’ hopefulness Quantitative test of parents understanding of factors related to diabetes
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in What Data that could be Collected? Quantitative measures of how effectively blood sugar levels are maintained
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Data that could be Collected Quantitative measures of how effectively blood sugar levels are maintained Blood glucose levels Over time Compared to a standard
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Data that could be Collected Qualitative analysis using survey research of parents’ hopefulness
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Data that could be Collected Qualitative analysis using survey research of parents’ hopefulness Written survey created for the study or one adapted from another source Results compared to another group of parents Or The same group before the support and 6 months later
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Data that could be Collected Quantitative test of parents understanding of factors related to diabetes
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Data that could be Collected Quantitative test of parents understanding of factors related to diabetes Create a test based on information in credible websites Use an existing test Compare results before support group and 6 months later
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Questions about data you might “collect” for your study? Tell us a little about your research proposal and what you plan to do
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Make up the data! Juvenile Diabetes Example We could say: Blood sugar levels did not stabilize Ratings of parent hopefulness did improve According to the post test, parents better understood diabetes Numbers are not needed, just ideas of what the numbers might yield
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Write a conclusion Based on mock data Use information from background search for ideas Not all conclusions need to be positive
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Potential Conclusion: Juvenile Diabetes Study Support groups are helpful in increasing parental hopes for the future of their children with juvenile diabetes and their understanding of the disease. But support groups did not affect the children’s blood glucose level.
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Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Summary of Writing Requirements Paraphrase information with citations Use Professional style writing Analysis must be clear and based on previous information in the paper APA formatting is expected 17
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Scientific Research Process
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Scientific Research Process Systematic Steps build on each other Designed to: Add to the body of knowledge about a problem Identify solutions to a problem And/Or Evaluate effectiveness of various solutions
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Scientific Research Process Research Design
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Scientific Research Process Research Design Based on the research question or hypothesis Process for conducting research. Considers: Kind of data needed Way to collect data Who will provide new information How researcher will proceed step by step
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Scientific Research Process: How to Choose A Research Design?
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Scientific Research Process: How to Choose A Research Design? Choice determined by refined research question or hypothesis Research must have practical value Process must be feasible Ethics must be followed Potential results must be valued
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Scientific Research Process: Research Design Categories
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Quantitative Research
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Quantitative Research Use quantifiable, i.e. measurable research variables Purpose is to describe Uses standard measurement techniques Objective Results desired to make inferences to a large group based on the study results
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Qualitative Research
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Qualitative Research Asks questions, such as “how” or “why” Explores research topic in depth to reach conclusions Focus on participant’s point of view Tools used based on how the process proceeds Collecting and analyzing data occurs simultaneously Analysis is presented as text
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Qualitative Focus: to understand and explain Interviews, observations, case studies, participant observer, ethnography Examines trends and relationships Text presentation of conclusions Quantitative Focus: describe, quantify, provide inferential conclusions Descriptive, correlation, experimental Examines inferences for general population Statistical (numbers) presentation of results
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in (Neil, 2007) QualitativeQuantitative Aim: Complete, detailed description Aim: Classify features, count them, construct statistical models to help explain what is observed Researcher may only know roughly in advance what he/she is looking for Researcher knows clearly in advance what he/she is looking for Design choice in early phases of research projects Design choice latter phases of research projects
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in QualitativeQuantitative Design emerges as the study unfolds All aspects of the study are carefully designed before data is collected. Researcher is data gathering instrument Researcher uses tools, such as questionnaires or equipment to collect numerical data Data is in the form of words, pictures or objects Data is in the form of numbers and statistics (Neil, 2007)
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Action Research Applied research Results and conclusions are intended to be directly applied to practices being evaluated
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Questions for the Action Researcher Is the focus on processes in your profession? Do you have the power to make changes? Can processes be improved?
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Choosing Research Designs Depends on purpose of research Data available How results are expected to be used Realistic constraints including funding Ethical issues must be considered
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in What types of designs would work best in your area of health science? Please explain your answer!
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Questions? Unit Questions link Phone if an emergency:
Trouble? Can’t type: F11 Can’t hear & speakers okay or can’t see slide? Cntrl R or Go out & come back in Coming Attractions: Unit 10 NO Seminar Discussion: Reflect on what you learned and how you can use it in the future Blog: Exchange information to continue your interaction with student colleagues, if desired Update your LinkedIn profile if you did not do so already
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