Columbus Explores New Lands I’m going where? ….and it’s going to take how long?
vast: very great in size or amount The boat sailed across the vast sea.
oceans: large bodies of salt water We have four main oceans: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Arctic, and the Indian.
areas: certain spaces, regions, or places Explorers like to go to areas where no one has been before. I see land! It’s about time!
voyage: a long trip A field trip is not a long voyage, but it feels like it is to a child. Are we there yet, Mr. Lepping? No. NO! No! I need some aspirin.
planet: a huge object that moves around the sun Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.
Quiz Time! vast, oceans, areas, voyage, planet Which word means large bodies of salt water? oceans
Quiz Time! vast, oceans, areas, voyage, planet Which word means a long trip? voyage
Quiz Time! vast, oceans, areas, voyage, planet Which word means a very large space? vast
Quiz Time! vast, oceans, areas, voyage, planet Which word means certain places? areas
Quiz Time! vast, oceans, areas, voyage, planet Which word means a large object that moves around the sun? planet