Indonesia Deep Water Development from West to East Present Indonesia Deep Water Blocks Development (Courtesy of
Development plan (PoD I) of 4 fields in deep sea (deep water) have been approved by the Indonesia Government and became the mainstay of production in the future. Four fields have been approved by PoD I are given below: Jambu Aye Utara field, Gendalo and Gehem fields, Abadi field, and Jangkrik field in Muara Bakau block. In addition to the IDD project, SKK Migas also already signed the PoD II for, Madura Strait offshore block. Jambu Aye Utara Field, Krueng Mane Block Jambu Aye Utara field is operated by Eni Krueng Mane Ltd. PoD I of Jambu Aye Utara field was approved in 2012, and planned to be in on stream in POD I : 2012 Water depth : 600 – 650 M. Gas Rate : 100 MMSCFD, plateau 3 years Estimated Re served : 500 BCF On Stream : 2014
Madura fields The Madura Strait offshore block is operated by Husky Oil. The MBH and MDA fields in the Madura Strait offshore block are expected to produce 120 mmscfd of natural gas all of which will supply gas needs in Java, Bali and Madura. Investment in Madura project is calculated to be around $396.9 million. The output from both Gendalo and Gehem are expected to be on stream in 2018 and projected to reach 1.1 billion cubic feet per day [bcfd] of natural gas. POD I : 2008 Water depth : 1000 – 2000 M Gas Rate : 120 – 600 MMSCFD Estimated Reserved : 7.5 TCF On Stream : 2013 Chevron’s IDD project consists of three main fields, comprising the Bangka, Gendalo and Gehem fields that require an estimated investment of US$7 billion in the project.
Abadi Field, Masela Block Abadi field is developed by Inpex Masela Ltd., has estimated proven reserves of 6.05 TCF. POD I : 2010 Water Depth : 300 – 1000 M Gas Rate : first stage 2.5 MTPA On Stream : 2018 Estimated Reserved: 6.05 TCF Inpex will build a floating LNG (FLNG) plant with a capacity of 2.5 million tonnes per annum (MTPA). Facilities that require an investment of U.S. $ 5 billion, is expected to begin production in late 2016.
Jangkrik field in Muara Bakau block Investment in the Jangkrik field is estimated to be around $1.4. billion. According to SKKMigas data, the Jangkrik field is expected to produce million metric standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) of natural gas, which will be processed into liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the Bontang plant in East Kalimantan. At least 40 percent of the LNG produced from the Jangkrik field will be allocated to supply domestic LNG needs. Jangkrik field is developed by Italy-based ENI Indonesia, Eni Muara Bakau BV, is targeted to produce in ENI has been operating in Indonesia since The company has 14 oil and gas working areas and operates 8 of the working area. Offshore activities are carried out by ENI located in the Tarakan and Kutai Basins, offshore Kalimantan, north of Sumatra and West Timor. In the Kutai Basin, ENI also participated in the development of the significant gas reserves located in the Ganal and Rapak blocks.
Estimated Investment of IDD (data collected and analyzed from any sources)
Gendalo and Gehem Fields, Unitization of Ganal & Rapak Blocks Gendalo and Gehem Fields Development (Courtesy of
Develop the Indonesia’s deepwater fields in “Oil & Gas” Central Processing Facility Semi-submersible Type
Deepwater Jangkrik Complex Development Projects at Muara Bakau in Offshore Indonesia Jangkrik field and Jangkrik North East field in Muara Bakau working area Jangkrik fields are located in the Muara Bakau working area, in Makassar Straits offshore Kalimantan, Indonesia, approximately 44 miles (70 kilometers) from Balikpapan. The natural gas reservoir lies by 2449 m depth in 425 m of water depth. (source:
© Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved. Opportunity assessment of the South East Asian market for LNG shipping and distribution SPONSORING PARTNERS 35 The shipping segment that first might adopt LNG for propulsion is regional container feeders Kuching Kota L K ab in u b a a n lu Taiching Nansha Shek ou Potianak Pasir gudang Pekanbaru Kantang Fuzhou Xiamen LEGEND LNG Marine Terminals Liquefaction facility status ■Existing Proposed Yangon ■Under Construction Regasification facility status ●Existing Proposed ●Under construction Routes 5 container feeder lines 4 container feeder lines 3 container feeder lines 2 container feeder lines 1 container feeder line About 20% of the regional container feeder traffic are up for renewal towards 2020
Small scale LNG is an option for supplying growing energy demand in Eastern Indonesia LNG is a viable alternative to diesel power in Eastern Indonesia BONTANG LNG Plant TANGGUH LNG Plant DONGGI-SENORO LNG Plant MASELA/ABADI LNG Plant FSRU Nusantara Regas I FSRU Planned Small scale LNG import terminals Phase 1 (2012) 1.Tg. Batu, Samarinda, East Kalimantan (25 mmscfd) 2.Batakan, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan (15 mmscdf) 3.Pasanggaran, Bali (25-30 mmscfd) 4.Pomala, Kendari, South Sulawesi (25 mmscfd) Phase 2 (2013) 5.Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (15 mmscfd) 6.Banajarmasin, South Kalimantan (6 mmscfd) Phase 3 (2015) 7.Gorontalo, North Sulawesi (6 mmscfd) 8.Halmahera, North Maluku (60 mmscfd) Figure 3: LNG plants and import terminals/FSRUs Sources: DNV analysis, Petrominer, Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Pendawa (2011) 8 small scale LNG terminals are set to be constructed by 2015 Currently there is 808 MW of diesel power generation capacity in 33 locations in Eastern Indonesia A small scale LNG milk run carrier could carry LNG cargoes from one of the existing/planned LNG plants/FSRUs Hoegh FSRU ARUN LNG Plant Indonesia LNG Opportunities - Small Scale LNG 1st & 2nd May 2013 © Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved. 39