The Siqueiros Mural
Tropical America The David Alfaro Siqueiros Mural Extra Credit Assignment: Visit the Siqueiros Mural at El Pueblo Historic Monument Location: Olvera Street Paseo de la Plaza, Los Angeles, Assignment: - Type a one to two page reflection paper on The Siqueiros Mural. - Answer the following questions: 1. Why was the Siqueiros Mural considered controversial? 2. What does the Eagle in the mural symbolize? 3. Do you agree with the Olvera Street authorities who whitewashed the mural in 1934 to cover it up? Is this a violation of Freedom of Speech and Censorship? 4. What are a few interesting facts you learned at the museum? 5. Conclusion: What are your personal thoughts about the Mural? 6. Take a picture of yourself on the viewing platform with the mural behind you. Assignment is due on the last day of the First Semester. 15 points