MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 Write the part of speech for the following words and define the part of speech. Aberration Deprive
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 Unscramble the following words and create a sentence for each. Converge Expel
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Answer the following in complete sentences – 7 or more words. What was Max’s nickname in daycare? Why was he called that? Example Max’s nickname in daycare was… He was called _____ because … What does Max mean by “…the year Gram and Grim took me over…”?
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Who is Freak? What does Grim mean when he says that Maxwell is “getting to look a lot like him”?
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 When does Freak move into the duplex down the street from Max? Where does Max live? Why?
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 How does Max describe himself? What does Max mean by “…your basic chunk of chain-link heaven”?
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Who is “the Fair Gwen”? Describe her as Max would. What is Kevin doing as the movers are moving them in to their new home?
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Do you have more of a connection with Kevin or Maxwell? Explain.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 Use one vocabulary word in a sentence – you choice. Study your words and definitions for 10 minutes to prepare for the quiz.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 Predict what you think will happen next in Freak the Mighty. Your prediction should be in a complete sentence with at least 7 words.