Personal Wellness Mr. Matthew Raduechel - Instructor Wausau West High School
The creation and attainment of goals is what drives people to better, more fulfilling lives Individuals who do not have a current goal fail to wake up with a purpose. “If you're bored with life - you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things - you don't have enough goals.” Lou Holtz
What is a SMART Goal? S – Specific M – Measurable A – Attainable R – Relevant T – Tactical
SPECIFIC A goal needs to be as specific and calculating as possible. The more detailed you can be the better focused your training/preparation will be. Many large goals will have smaller goals attached to them to ensure the completion of attainment of the larger goal.
MEASURABLE A goal needs to have a definitive beginning and end. Having data, numbers, measurements and standards explicitly spelled out before beginning an endeavor will also lead to a higher rate of accomplishment. Again, having smaller-data driven goals will also help to focus training/preparation
ATTAINABLE Another word for this would be realistic. Everyone wants to become a professional ball player or an astronaut when we are little. Not to say that those goals are not reachable, but few people have the plan and/or the necessary tools to accomplish such lofty goals. “What one man is capable of, another man can do.” -Unknown
RELEVANT A relevant goal is one that means something to you. If you do not believe in yourself to accomplish the goal then how can you rationalize it ever getting accomplished? If you’re not ready to embark on the goal mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally then that will make the goal even harder to accomplish.
TACTICAL Tactical implies that a plan must be mapped out in order to succeed in an endeavor. If a military mission was not tactically planned prior to the outset of the mission then that mission is failed before the troops hit the ground. “Most people have the will to win; few have the will to prepare to win.” -Bob Knight
Creation Date: January 1 st, 2014 Completion Date: September 2 nd, 2014 By the start of the school year (September 2 nd, 2014) my body weight will be at or less than 250lbs. This will be accomplished by changing my dietary habits, i.e. eating one medium/large meal daily at noon while staying hydrated throughout the day. Snacking is permitted but should not induce a “full” feeling Beverages with high calorie content are not permitted Exercise is not necessary, however not discouraged Monitoring will be conducted via daily weight checks at the end of each day.
Specific – YES Measureable – YES Attainable – YES Relevant – YES Tactical – YES Results: Weight as of January 1 st, 2014: 289 lbs. Weight as of August 31 st, 2014: 248 lbs. Total Body Weight Loss of 41 lbs. in 8 months
This goal was established with my current lifestyle in mind. Eating once daily was easier to plan than 5-7 smaller meals daily. It took 2-3 months to establish a routine and self-discipline with snacking and beverages. Took a multi-vitamin, fish oil, and fiber supplement to ensure micro-nutrient levels were satisfied. Daily weigh-ins gave me feedback and information to use for the next day’s plan. I.E. snacking, food selection, activity level, ect. Energy levels changed along with mood but my body adapted. The addition of exercise changed how much weight was lost during the week and the feeling of hunger. The most weight was lost when the morning was filled with activity.
Things I would/will change: The last month before the end of this first goal I started strength training. This changed how much weight was lost during the day/week. Feelings of hunger, lower levels of energy during workouts were prevalent. This caused more snacking at night and the feeling for the need of a bigger noon meal. I should have waited until the 250 lbs. was accomplished before starting weight training.
Life is a Series of Goals: 235 lbs. by the start of next summer: June 1 st, 2015 Compete in a Powerlifting Competition at 250 lbs. Bring “Big 3” Lifts to the following totals: SQUAT: 500 lbs. BENCH: 400 lbs. DEADLIFT: 600 lbs. This would bring my competition total to 1500 lbs. These goals are predicated by keeping bodyweight down to below 250 lbs. This goal must remain; it takes precedence over the above goals.
Your Assignment: Develop and Create your own SMART goal to be started and have at least 2 smaller goals/checkpoints accomplished by the end of the semester. You must devise a “test” at the outset of the time-frame to the ending point to be able to determine whether the goal is accomplished. Journaling will be crucial to success and grading Reflections will be very important for success and grading Problem Solving will be necessary Mr. Raduechel is more of a RESOURCE than an instructor: I have done it all in regards to the area of weight loss, weight gain, strength gain, strength loss, changing body characteristics through weight training, sports performance, nutrition. The key is to find something that is going to work for YOU and your own personal situation and making it WORK.