P15311 Customer Requirements vs Results Customer Rqmt. #ImportanceDescriptionP14311 StatusP15311 Status CR13 Capable of routing traces for finer pitched SMD's Tolerances currently too largeIndustry standard trace capability CR29 Safe and easy to operate by minimally trained (<0.5 hour) user Took several days to get machine operating Takes < 15 minutes to get machine operating CR39 Have quick start, service, and detailed troubleshooting/operation manuals Improvements needed to documentation SOP, troubleshooting, electrical, and maintenance guides complete CR43 Cost less than commercial systems on the market Factor in lead time and process costs Cost of under $2000 versus $8000 commercial CR53 Require minimal maintenance and part replacement Frequent drill bit breakage Optimum drill depth, cutting speed, feed rate, and drill bit decided on and ordered CR69 No mechanical, electrical, environmental, or health related hazards to operators of those in the general lab area Concerns with noise level and particulate matter Noise mitigated to safe continuous level and airborne particles eliminated CR73Alignment system capable of auto homing Need for more precision and repeatability; no auto homing capability Auto homing system fully operational and repeatable CR81Automatic tool change and recognitionConvenience feature Manual tool changeout time drastically improved and documented, with home position ideal for tool change CR93Visual feedback system for error detectionDifficult to see traces through glass Clear video feedback at all times, directly at mill/drill tip CR109Improve debris removal systemMessy and dangerous for operation Debris contained to very small area around traces; no mess or airborn debris CR111 Contain all components of system in one unit Detached monitor and keyboard Single unit with dual monitors and keyboard/mouse tray
P15311 Performance vs Requirements ERImportanceSource Engr. Requirement (metric) Unit of Measure Marginal Value Ideal ValueP14311P15311Actual Value 19CR6 Noise Generation per Safety Standards dBA<100<75FailPass74.5 dB 29CR1 Minimum Width Between Traces Supported inches marginal pass Pass CR4Manufacturing Cost$ FailPass$1,650 49CR5 Unit Reliability (mean time between failures) days1530Undet. N/A 59CR5 Mean to time between maintenance hours50100Undet. N/A 69CR3, 7 Minimum Tolerance to locating positions on board inches FailPass in 73CR5, 8 Tool Replacement Time minutes2< 1FailPass40 seconds 83CR5Feed Ratein/minute815 Marginal pass 8 in/min 93CR2, 3 Time for initial machine set-up minutes105FailPass3 min 103TBD Maximum Compatible Board Size inch x inch5 x 58.5 x 11 Marginal Pass 6 x 6 113TBD Minimum Compatible Board Size inch x inch2 x 21 x 1Pass 1 x 1 129CR2, 11 Up to date PC & software for system control binary Slow, functional Fast, functional FailPass Fast, functional 139CR2, 3, 5 Minimize Operator Training minutes4515 Marginal Pass Undet.N/A 149CR1Router Speedrpm12,00016,000 Marginal Pass 15,000 RPM 159C10 Debris Removal (Copper and Substrate) % of total7595Fail Marginal Pass All Airborn Debris 169CR1Total Indicated Runoutinches<.0006< Marginal pass Pass in 179CR7, 10Vacuum Table Forcelbs force510 Marginal pass Pass15 lbf 189CR6 Max Power Consumption for entire system watts Marginal Pass Undet.N/A 193CR6 Uncluttered and Aesthetically Pleasing binary Uncluttered, not pleasing Uncluttered, pleasing FailPass Uncluttered, pleasing