©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll: April 29, United States Immigration Policy Issues Facing the Next U.S. President to be Sworn in January 2009 n = 406
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll: April 29, How Strongly do You Agree or Disagree that Current United States Immigration Policies Strongly disagree DisagreeAgreeStrongly agree Help your organization’s international recruitment efforts 20%48%28%4% Help your organization keep jobs in the US 20%35%33%12% Help promote national security 18%38%33%11% Help your organization’s ability to compete globally 18%41%35%6% Permit your organization to hire the best talent to remain competitive 12%41%39%8% Help your organization’s ability to compete in the United States 12%40%39%9% Permit your organization to retain the best talent to remain competitive 9%40%42%9% n = 293
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll: April 29, Level of Difficulty Organizations Have in Attracting Skilled Workers to the U.S. Under the Current U.S. Immigration Policy n = 199
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll: April 29, Effectiveness of Current U.S. Immigration Policy in Not at all effective Slightly effective Somewhat effective Very effective Providing the resources for employers to hire only authorized workers 25%33%37%5% Preventing the hiring of unauthorized workers 25%29%40%6% Encouraging identity fraud20%28%30%32% n = 404
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll: April 29, Methodology Response rate = 15% Sample comprised of 409 randomly selected HR professionals from SHRM’s membership. Margin of error is +/- 5%. Survey fielded the week of April 29, 2008