Leading Change in Dining Services Team 5 | Alex Bateman, Aaron Dean, Lucy King, Daniel Reichwein
Agenda Methodology Results Analytics Reflection 2
The Goal Behind our Method Goal: Understand the purpose and process of change. –Focus on primary decision makers –Comprehensive information gathering –Assess effectiveness of change 4
Plan of Action Selection of interview candidates: 5 John Byxbe Associate Director of Auxiliary Services Jeff McClure Resident District Manager of Dining Services
Sample Interview Questions Explain the big picture of the food services business for college campuses How did the process of change work? Why was a change made? What challenges and obstacles did you encounter? 6
Assessing Effectiveness of Change Student survey assessing dining satisfaction Publications written by students Key decision makers’ assessment 7
Execution Interviews went very well Organic interview process Student survey conducted online –Maintained statistical integrity 8
Process of Diagnosis, Planning, & Implementation Auxiliary Services: –Two Year Process Collecting Data Pre-Proposal planning: Diverse Committee Negotiation and official contract –Implementation Tools Timeline with a daily and hourly plan Weekly progress meetings Transition team 10
Process of Diagnosis, Planning, & Implementation Sodexo –Began with hiring all new managers and over 300 employees –Changing culture –Working to fulfill proposal components –Also used a transition document 11
Challenges Meal Plans –Flex vs. Swipes Seating issues in dining halls Resource allocation –Unexpected costs Facility issues and new construction Adapting to campus culture 12
Retrospective Change Auxiliary Services: –Notify Aramark later in the process –Deal with Marketplace differently –Contract strategy and resource plan Sodexo: –Be more proactive with needs and desires of campus –Select brands to fit with campus culture 13
Advice for Future Change Figure out a goal and gather appropriate skills to accomplish it Communication channels Focus of the people (stakeholders) Transparency Avoid complacency “Change the culture within the organization; first get them on board with the mission, then the hard work will follow. It’s 51% passion and 49% hard work” -Jeff McClure, Director of Dining Services 14
Overview Kotter Kanter Change Curve 16
Kotter’s Eight Steps 1 Create a Shared Need & Urgency 2 Build the Guiding Team 3 Define the Vision 4 Communicate Vision for Buy-In 5 Plan, Organize, and Enable Action 6 Create Short-Term Wins 7 Sustain the Change 8 Make it Stick 17
Kotter’s Eight Steps 1 Create a Shared Need & Urgency 2 Build the Guiding Team 3 Define the Vision 4 Communicate Vision for Buy-In 5 Plan, Organize, and Enable Action 6 Create Short-Term Wins 7 Sustain the Change 8 Make it Stick 18
Kanter’s Seven Skills Sensing Needs & Opportunities Kaleidoscope Thinking Setting the Theme Enlisting Backers & Supporters Developing the Dream Mastering the Difficult Middles Celebrating Accomplishment 19
Kanter’s Seven Skills Sensing Needs & Opportunities Kaleidoscope Thinking Setting the Theme Enlisting Backers & Supporters Developing the Dream Mastering the Difficult Middles Celebrating Accomplishment 20
The Change Curve 21 Number of people Range 2.5% Change Agents 13.5% Early Adopters 34% Fence Sitters Shift Early 34% Fence Sitters Shift Later 16% Resistors
Reflection Was the change worth it? –According to our survey, dining satisfaction is the same both before and after the Sodexo change. Was the change managed well? –Yes, as well as it could have been. Thorough planning and transparency efforts aided this success. 23