Steve Jobs Presented by: Bart Simpson September 4, 2012 Don’t like the design, the font, the size, the background and/or the transition? Then change it! And delete this box too! These are simply [helpful] instructions.
Agenda Overview. Early Life. Management Style. Facts, Stories, Greatest moment. Latest News. Notice no large paragraphs! Guideline: No more than 5-8 lines per page. Each point should be less than 10 words. The ‘paragraph’ is your SCRIPT!
Overview He founded Apple with Steve Wozniak. After the successful launch of the Macintosh Steve was fired from Apple. He came back and saved the company. Jobs change many industries: Personal Computing. Animation. Music. Phone and Mobile Computing. Jobs was the CEO of Pixar. Steve lost his battle with pancreatic cancer in 2011.
Early Life Born in San Francisco, California, Grew up in a neighborhood of engineers. Bullied because he was adopted. Met Steve Wozniak at age 14.
Management Style Abrasive, unapologetic. A perfectionist who micromanaged. “Customers don’t know what they want”. “There's an old Wayne Gretzky quote that I love. 'I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.' And we've always tried to do that at Apple. Since the very very beginning. And we always will” Steve Jobs. Very secretive. Reality Distortion Field. RDF. Anything is possible.
Facts, Stories, Greatest moment Vegetarian. Saved Pixar. Disney’s largest shareholder. Homeless. He drove without a license. plate for years. He patented the glass staircase in the Apple Store.
Latest News Steve Jobs passed away October 5, Tim Cook is now leading Apple. Apple is now the most valuable company in the history of the world $500B+. $110B in cash. The rumoured new iPhone5 and iPad mini could arrive this fall. Apple recently won a major patent court victory vs Samsung. Steve’s management legacy continues to drive Apple forward.
Extra Slides are put at the end to ensure that the background ‘sticks’ even if the presenter presses Enter by mistake. The last thing your audience should see is the background they have gotten used to. Many different transitions were used. In business it is common to either have no transmissions, or one common transition for the entire presentation. Want to do well? Practice out loud! Practice to the mirror. Practice to your family. Out loud! And the class will be very supportive too!