Let’s Meet Martin Luther King, Jr.
Who was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? husband father a college graduate pastor civil rights leader a Christian leader Nobel Peace prize winner an advocate for peace author
When was Dr. King born? He was born at noon on January 15, 1929 to Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr. and Alberta Williams King at 501 Auburn Avenue, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia.
What important events took place during Dr. King’s life? 1955 bus boycott 1959 MLK made trip to India and met Ghandi’s relatives 1960 lunch counter sit-in 1964 Civil Rights Act
Why do we celebrate Dr. King’s birthday? To remember a Civil Rights hero To perform community service
What did Dr. King teach us? To stand up for what is right To promote peace and non- violence To treat everyone equally To be tolerant
Why was Dr. King so important? He gave a voice and leadership to the Civil Rights Movement He led non- violent protests
Words to know Rights Freedom Love Discriminate Prejudice Citizenship Peace Nonviolence