Stage 1 Integrated learning Coffee Shop
LEARNING REQUIREMENTS The learning requirements summarise the knowledge, skills, and understanding that students are expected to develop and demonstrate through their learning. In this subject, students are expected to: develop and apply knowledge, concepts, and skills to achieve a purpose identify and investigate information, ideas, and skills from different perspectives, using a variety of sources work collaboratively with others demonstrate self-awareness in reflecting on, and critically evaluating, learning communicate ideas and informed opinions develop and understand connections between the program focus and aspects of the capability in each chosen key area.
What is an Integrated Learning Program? An Integrated Learning program is a focused study that has a purpose, product, or an outcome. An Integrated Learning program is undertaken by a group of students in a school, or a student or students involved in a community group, allowing them to explore their connections with the wider community The Coffee Shop Integrated Learning program has a program focus decided by the teacher, i.e. to run a café for students and staff on Fridays at lunchtime in the Home Economics area. The details will be worked out by the class group.
Key Areas of Study Teachers, in consultation with students, choose from the following five key areas of study: Key Area 1: Developing the Capability for Communication Key Area 2: Developing the Capability for Citizenship Key Area 3: Developing the Capability for Personal Development Key Area 4: Developing the Capability for Work Key Area 5: Developing the Capability for Learning. For a 10-credit subject, students undertake one or more key areas of study. The key areas of study that have been chosen for Coffee Shop are developing the capabilities of communication and work. Do you agree?
ASSESSMENT SCOPE AND REQUIREMENTS Assessment at Stage 1 is school based The following assessment types enable students to demonstrate their learning in Stage 1 Integrated Learning: Assessment Type 1: Practical Assessment Type 2: Group Activity Assessment Type 3: Folio and Discussion. For a 10-credit subject, students should provide evidence of their learning through three or four assessments, with at least one assessment from each assessment type. Each assessment type should have a weighting of at least 20%.
For this subject the assessment design criteria are: application investigation communication and collaboration reflection understanding. Each of the criteria has specific features that are assessed across the whole program. Not each specific feature is assessed in every task. You will be given a number of opportunities to demonstrate your learning against each of the specific features.
Assessment Type 1: Practical Students undertake at least one practical for both a 10-credit subject and a 20-credit subject. The practical involves learning by doing and by addressing real problems or challenges. It may require interaction and collaboration with others, either in the class, the school community, or the wider community. A practical may consist of a single activity or a combination of smaller activities that allow students to demonstrate application of their knowledge, concepts, skills, and understanding for a specific purpose. Students should have opportunities to participate in peer assessment and self-assessment.
Evidence of learning For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning primarily in relation to the following assessment design criteria: application reflection understanding. In Coffee Shop, the Practical assessments will account for 40% of the assessment and will include skills such as making and serving various types of coffee; food preparation; taking orders; conversation skills; problem solving, etc. There will be two practical assessments.
Assessment Type 2: Group Activity Students undertake at least one group activity for both a 10- credit subject and a 20-credit subject. Students work collaboratively in a group to plan, organise, and implement an activity or project. The group activity may be applied to an aspect of the practical. There must be opportunities for all students to collaborate in decision- making and to share responsibilities. Students reflect on their contribution and the collaborative outcome. The teacher assesses each student’s performance individually. There is an opportunity for students to participate in peer assessment and self-assessment.
Evidence of their learning For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning primarily in relation to the following assessment design criteria: application investigation communication and collaboration Reflection The collaborative task for Coffee Shop will be the actual running of the coffee shop on a regular basis. The number of openings and launch date will depend on the group readiness to begin. The collaborative task will account for 40% of the total assessment.
Assessment Type 3: Folio and Discussion Students undertake at least one assessment for the folio and discussion for both a 10-credit subject and a 20-credit subject. You will need to think carefully and plan how you will document and keep your evidence. The folio and discussion will account for 20% of the assessment. Would you like to set up a basic folder that everyone keeps and is kept here? Would you like to set up a class wiki with a page for each person and a blog where conversations etc can be held? Do you have other ideas?
Folio Students develop a folio to support their discussion. The folio demonstrates the depth, extent, and focus of the learning that has taken place. A folio may consist of material such as notes, diagrams, models, observations, experiments, fieldwork, photographs, visual texts, audio texts, formulae, mathematical calculations, or an e-folio. For Coffee Shop, this folio may include the workbook, recipes, plans, costings, menus, photographs, etc. You could keep this on a wiki or another type of e-portfolio or website.
Discussion Students discuss aspects of the process and outcome of their Stage 1 Integrated Learning program with their teacher and class group (or other designated group), and support their views with the evidence in their folio. Each student responds to questions asked by the teacher, and possibly others, about his or her learning as demonstrated by the evidence in the folio. Students may also contribute to the discussion by offering comments in a general forum. Discussions should be a maximum of 10 minutes for both a 10- credit subject and a 20-credit subject. The evidence of the discussion may be in the form of a digital recording and/or student and teacher notes. We need to give some thought to how we keep evidence of the discussion
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The performance standards describe five levels of achievement, A to E. Each level of achievement describes the knowledge, skills, and understanding that teachers refer to in deciding, on the basis of the evidence provided, how well a student has demonstrated his or her learning. During the teaching and learning program the teacher gives students feedback on, and makes decisions about, the quality of their learning, with reference to the performance standards. Students can also refer to the performance standards to identify the knowledge, skills, and understanding that they have demonstrated and those specific features that they still need to demonstrate to reach their highest possible level of achievement.
Performance Standards for Stage 1 Integrated Learning A grade of C or better is required to achieve a pass. Standards D & E not included here ApplicationInvestigationCommunication and Collaboration Reflection Understanding A Comprehensive development of knowledge, concepts, and skills. Thoughtful and consistent application of knowledge, concepts, and skills for a purpose. Insightful identification and gathering of relevant information using a wide variety of sources. In-depth investigation of information, ideas, and skills from more than one perspective Sustained and productive collaboration with others. Clear and proactive communication with others. Constructive discussion of ideas and opinions. In-depth reflection on the student’s own learning and progress in learning. Thorough, focused, and convincing explanation of some of the connections between the program focus and aspects of the capability in each chosen key area. In-depth understanding and development of aspects of the capability in each chosen key area. B Focused development of knowledge, concepts, and skills. Well-considered application of knowledge, concepts, and skills for a purpose. Well-considered identification and gathering of relevant information using a variety of sources. Some depth in investigation of information, ideas, and skills from more than one perspective. Purposeful collaboration with others. Clear and often proactive communication with others. Thoughtful discussion of ideas and opinions. Some depth in reflection on the student’s own learning and progress in learning. Detailed and convincing explanation of some of the connections between the program focus and aspects of the capability in each chosen key area. Well-considered understanding and development of aspects of the capability in each chosen key area. C Competent development of knowledge, concepts, and skills. Considered application of knowledge, concepts, and skills for a purpose. Considered identification and gathering of relevant information using a variety of sources. Competent investigation of information, ideas, or skills from more than one perspective. Appropriate collaboration with others. Competent and sometimes proactive communication with others. Considered discussion of ideas and opinions. Considered reflection on the student’s own learning and progress in learning. Mostly effective explanation of some of the connections between the program focus and aspects of the capability in each chosen key area. Considered understanding and development of aspects of the capability in each chosen key area.