What is it……? This is a set of rules which govern how data travels between server and client. In order to see the benefits of HTTP, a web browser is needed along with internet connection.
HTTP enables several associates to download separate elements at the same time, thus speeding up transmission. Each element is assigned a specific file type; therefore, it can be handled faster and more efficiently by the receiving computer.
The HTTP transactions of every entry are carried out in different cookies. Therefore, a lot of space and bandwidth is used up. You must have a browser to benefit from HTTP.
What is a Blog? This is a Web site containing the writer's or group of write rs' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc. Blogs are used for: PPersonal Weblog CCorporate Newsletter AA Communication Platform for Companies PProject Development and Status Announcements AA Chat room Creator AAnd much more
The consumer and citizen are potentially better informed Blogs can be an excellent way of sharing knowledge within the organization. Blogs can be a positive way of getting feedback, Blogs can build the profile of the writer, showcasing the organization as having talent and expertise.
Most people don’t have much to say that’s interesting, and/or are unable to write down their ideas in a compelling and clear manner. Blogs are easy to start and hard to maintain.