St Chad’s C of E Primary School - Newsletter September Remaining Training Days Monday 6 th October 2014 (OOHA Club Open all day) Friday 23 rd January 2015 Monday 20 th July 2015 Tuesday 21 st July 2015 Welcome to parents, old and new, as we start another academic year. We hope you all enjoyed the Summer break. We are again collecting Morrisons ‘Lets Grow’ vouchers in the hope that we can order lots of gardening equipment for our pupils to use. A collection box will shortly appear just outside the school office for the children to pop their vouchers in – many thanks This week we welcome Gina Marsland (KS2 Support Teacher), Neil McCluskey (Y3 Class Teacher), Katie Williams (Reception Class Teacher), Steven Swales (Site Manager) and Jane London (Teaching Assistant) to our staff team. I am sure you will join us in wishing them all the very best as they begin their positions here at St Chad’s. Our Harvest Festival will be held at St Chad’s Church on Tuesday 30 th September 2014 at 9:45am. Further details regarding who we are supporting and donations that can be made will follow shortly. We hope you will be able to join us for this lovely service. The next PTA Meeting will be held in the school Staff Room at 7:30pm on Tuesday 23 rd September 2014
Updated Diary Dates September Tues 23 rd : PTA Meeting – 7:30pm Staff Room Tues 30 th : Harvest St Chads: 9:45am October Monday 6 th :Training Day – School + Nursery Closed Wed. 8 th :Tempest Individual/Sibling Photographs Monday 13 th :Twilight session for parents (reading) Wed. 15 th :Primary Maths Competition at GSAL Monday 20 th :Scholastic Bookfair in school all week Tues 21 st :Parents Consultation Evening (3:30- 5pm) Thurs 23 rd :Parents Consultation Evening (3:30- 7pm) Friday 24 th :School + Nursery Close for Half Term November Monday 3 rd :School + Nursery re-open Thurs 6 th :Bag2School Clothing Collection Friday 14 th :PTA Quiz Night Tues 25 th :Opening Morning R E M I N D E R: Re Online Payments for School Meals Please note that it is not now possible to make payment for school meals online. School meals must be paid for by cash or cheque (made payable to Leeds City Council for now, however this will change in the near future). Can you please ensure that payment for school meals in made in advance of them being taken ie, on the Monday of each week. It is also possible to pay for further in advance if you wish. Finally, it is important that your payment is put in an envelope with your child’s name on, stating that the payment is for school meals and how much is enclosed. Please note: there has been no increase to school meal prices: Years 3 + 4: £1.95 per day Year 5 + 6: £2.00 per day -- Fundraising Update -- Summer Fair: £1630 (after expenses) – although we are trying to obtain matched funding for a part of that, that will hopefully make it nearer to £1900 OOHA Activity Day Monday 6 th October 2014 School Bungalow 8:00am-6:00pm Further details will follow, but if you need further information or wish to book a place (places are limited) please contact Sharon Brocksom on Opening Evening Thursday 25 th September 6:30pm