Issues and concerns From time to time there may be issues and concerns you have with regard to your child and the Pre-School. On these occasions we would urge parents to come in and discuss these with your child's key worker or Bev Middleton. We have an open door for parents with any concerns and will strive to resolve these quickly. We believe our staff are the best people to help you and your children have a positive experience at our pre-school. Alec Hunter Pre-School Newsletter Sept 2015 FEE PAYMENTS It is important that you ensure your child’s fee’s are paid on time. If you have any outstanding fee’s, please speak to Bev Middleton or Nicola Potter (fee administrator) in order to set up a payment Plan Reminder of Payment Procedure Fees are to be paid every session the child is on the register to attend pre-school (prior to funding), this includes time off for illness and holidays until notification is given to preschool in Writing. Pre-school will not be able to accept £50 notes as from September The Staff and committee would like to welcome our new children and families to pre-school! We will be holding an open evening in October. Please wait for the date Dates to Remember Autumn Extravaganza 3 rd of October 1-3pm Half term Monday 26 th Oct To Friday 30 th Oct End of Term Friday 11 th Dec Start Back Monday 4 th Jan 2016 Half Term Monday 15 th Feb To Friday 19 th Feb Easter 24 th March to 11 th April IMPORTANT NOTICE: As the weather changes and starts to get cold please provide appropriate clothing for your child! And clearly labelled with your child’s name Thank you. Help Wanted Parents. If you have time & would like to come along & help at any of our sessions or help the committee we would love to welcome you on board. Please speak to Mrs Middleton in Preschool PLEASE PAY YOUR SNACK MONEY ! Due to ever increasing costs we would like to remind you of the suggested donation of 20p per child per session. This can be paid either weekly, monthly or half termly and will enable us to continue providing healthy, different snacks for the children to enjoy each day Thank You!! (We sadly may not be able to keep providing this if we don't get enough donations in.) Important Reminders: PARKING We understand parking is very limited down Hay Lane, but we would ask that you respect our neighbours when parking. Thank-you for your support in this ************ Please ensure you write your children’s names on all belongings brought into Pre-school, Staff cannot make sure each child has their correct belongings if they are unnamed. ******** All children, morning and afternoon, should have a bag with a change of clothes in. Please also ensure that your child is appropriately dressed for the time of year ***************** Please make sure we have the correct and up to date contact details, medical information and password for your child at Pre-school. ****************** New changes in September: Please provide a named water bottle to all sessions Many Thanks If possible please try to leave your child at the door with us. There are staff inside to support them and they learn invaluable skills for school when entering by themselves. However If you want to speak to your child's key worker or Mrs. Middleton about this please come and have a chat. A huge Thank you to Mr Canning, Mrs and Mrs Coxell, Nadine Card who were involved with refurbishment of pre- schools kitchen.