Garbage in the Ocean Ryan Gallagher
Where is the Garbage? The garbage is located within the white circles on the picture
Why is There Garbage in the Ocean? There is garbage in the ocean’s because humanity uses too much plastic. After people are done with the plastic, they throw it away. Some of the plastic ends up going into the ocean, instead of a landfill.
What Does the Garbage Do Once it Gets in the ocean? The garbage floats around in the ocean for a while. The garbage eventually breaks down into tiny pieces.
How Does This Affect the Wildlife? Animals eat the plastic, mistaking it for food. The plastic doesn’t digest and they end up getting sick or dying.
What Happens if We Don’t Clean it Up? If we don’t clean up the ocean, the wildlife there would dwindle and then eventually die out..
How Could we Get Rid of the Plastic? Scientists and waste management workers are working together and trying to figure out the best possible solution to get rid of the garbage. They started Project Kaisei to help