It is important to remember that execution is a matter of interpretation…each President can interpret a law as much or as little as they wish
The President has the ordinance power, or the power to issue an executive order --- a directive, rule, or regulation that has the effect of a law This power is given by the Constitution and acts of Congress over time. While it isn’t mentioned in the Constitution, it is intended because certain powers are needed for the President to carry out his/her powers. Congress has given more power to the President over time because they are not experts in the fields that they legislate. The President has the power to appoint many positions of the federal government, including: (1)ambassadors/diplomats, (2) Cabinet and aides, (3) heads of agencies, (4) armed forces officers, (5) judges This power is given by the Constitution, but also requires a majority vote of approval by the Senate The President can remove any of the officials, except for judges, without needing the permission of Congress It is important for the President to appoint “his people” to carry out the laws as needed
The President negotiates treaties with other countries but before it becomes effective, it must be approved by 2/3 of the Senate The President can negotiate executive agreements, or pacts, with other countries… Doesn’t have to be approved The President has the power of recognition – to acknowledge the existence of another country
The President can not technically declare war…only Congress can do that, but… (1) The President is Commander in Chief, so he controls military operations and technology (2) The President can make “undeclared war” – sending troops into a combat area without a declaration of war But there are checks on the power, as the War Powers Resolution says… (1) President must report to Congress within 48 hours of sending troops into a combat area if a threat to the U.S. exists (2) Combat must end within 60 days unless Congress authorizes it for longer (3) Congress can end combat at any time with a concurrent resolution
The President can recommend laws to Congress…and usually does this at least once formally through the annual State of the Union address The President can call Congress into a special session The President has the power to veto any bill passed by Congress through one of three ways: (1) veto the bill, (2) Pocket veto the bill by not signing something within the last ten days of Congressional session, (3) veto the bill by not acting on it… OR he can sign the bill
The power to offer a reprieve Postponing the execution of a sentence The power to offer a commutation Reduce the length of a sentence The power to offer a pardon Legal forgiveness for a crime The power of amnesty Offering a pardon to a group of people