LIONS By: Alejandra Orozco
The Basics: They live in groups of 15 or more animals called prides. Prides can be as small as 3 or as big as 40 animals. They hunt prey. raise cubs, and defend their territory together.
Being Unique In prides, females do most of the hunting. A pride will never have more than 2 males. Its normal for a new male to eat the cubs. Lions are carnivores. They may not hunt for a few days but they usually eat all their pray at once.
The Ancestors It is believed that jaguars, leopards, tigers, and cheetahs are also related to the lion family. Tigers were thought to have Asian descent originating from both Central Asia and China spreading out east and west to span territories covering most of Asia. Jaguar and Leopard can be explained by common ancestry just as science has proven the ancient species of Lion and Cheetah once roamed the 'New World' continents.
The lion is found in parts of Africa south of the Sahara desert. They live in organized groups called prides which can hold four to forty members. The males are the protectors of the pride, and the females are the hunters and take care of the cubs. The Habitat