Intel ® Teach to the Future International Curriculum Roundtable Austria
2 Representative: Mag. Helmut Caba PedagogicaI Institute Salzburg Coordination for Austria Ministry of education
3 Coordinators in Austria Ministerialrat Mag. Johann Wimmer
4 Educational Environment The Educational System is very sophisticated with many branches, see the figures in the following charts IT is used in schools in various ways depending on the type of school IT is compulsory for 2 hours a week in the 9 th grade Intel Teach to the Future offers an approach which supports pupils and teachers
5 Supporting Education Servers in Austria
6 Teachers in Austria
10 Intel® Teach to the Future We count on about 30 percent of the teachers as a target group to take part in the program. In June 2001 we will train the Master Teachers. From October 2001 on they will train the teachers in their schools.
11 Intel® Teach to the Future An obstacle could be lack of time for the training on the side of the teachers.
12 Curriculum