10/20/09 UCLA Meeting Hauser 1/9 Various updates Update on LHC/CMS schedule: First shots into collimator: Nov. 7 and 8! Circulating beam ~Nov. 18, less than 1.1 TeV/beam before Xmas Seem to have dried out from CMS water leak w/o damage (?) Agenda taking shape for Oct CMS upgrade workshop at Fermilab See
10/20/09 UCLA Meeting Hauser 2/9 Progress this week Improved Toy model for TOF for cosmics, single beams, collisions Current timing keys on AFEB fine delays corresponding to shortest cables near top of large (ME2/2, ME3/2) chambers, changed geometry That increases cosmic ray TOF difference between top and bottom That made me readjust the “origin” points of cosmic rays to match data Z=0 (center of barrel) and y=+-500 cm (2 nd barrel station), more reasonable Slight bug in single beam timing pointed out by Darin Compare collision path length from (x,y,z)=0 to halo muons from z=0 Muonic timing parameters now calculated from TOFs
10/20/09 UCLA Meeting Hauser 3/9 TOF calculations: cosmic rays But depends on steepness of cosmic ray spectrum with theta. Why not barrel wheels 1 or 2? X d d’ d’’ Wheel 0Wheel 1Wheel 2 We are back to d, my original guess
10/20/09 UCLA Meeting Hauser 4/9 Downstream halo muon timing
10/20/09 UCLA Meeting Hauser 5/9 Upstream halo muon timing
10/20/09 UCLA Meeting Hauser 6/9 Minus endcap, cosmic rays, collisions, downstream halo
10/20/09 UCLA Meeting Hauser 7/9 Muonic timing delays (TX) Derive ALCT delay values for muonic timing for one crate – Time sums make a lot of sense for ME-2/5 crate (bottom, dry…) TOF+Afeb_fine_delay+Skewclear+mpc_tx_delay – sigma 0.09 bx between the 9 chambers – Equation to use: TX n + tx n = S 0 + TX 0 + tx 0 – t 0 (reference chamber) - S n + t n Where S n = Skewclear cable delay time for each chamber. This is pre- calculated based on the known cable lengths for every chamber. TX n + tx n = Integer+phase delay for TMB ALCT commands for each chamber t n = TOF for each chamber, pre-calculated based on the distance from the collision point (or from the reference chamber in the case of cosmic rays). – Put these by hand into parameters tmb_to_alct_data_delay (integer bx) and alct_tof_delay (2ns units), then Greg procedures measure return delays
10/20/09 UCLA Meeting Hauser 8/9 Muonic timing return delay (RX) predictions Isochronous return of bc0 (from my UCLA meeting talk of 15 Sept 09): TX n + tx n + 2*S n + RX n + rx n = TX 0 + tx 0 + 2*S 0 + RX 0 + rx 0 (reference chamber) Note that t n (TOF) is not involved in this equation. Step 1 involves adjusting only RX n + rx n to make the left-hand side equal to the (fixed) right-hand side With reference chamber ME-2/1/14, values of TX and RX range between 6 and 9 – RX values average about 8, same as current fixed setting Expect constant, non-integer offset to the RX values measured for constant bc0 timing. Greg will hopefully measure the real values tomorrow
10/20/09 UCLA Meeting Hauser 9/9 My to-do list Muon upgrade planning continues… Determine ALCT muonic timing parameters – Check out system-wide time sums to make sure method is sensible – Try to understand Greg RX values for VME-2/5 crate when measured – Documentation of procedure Determine procedure for setting CFEB muonic timing parameters Work on talks for the FNAL workshop Oct. 28 and the upcoming DOE review of UCLA Oct Start saving firmware versions for all Emu electronics boards into CVS Someday: – Initial planning for 269B course in Spring “Physics of the LHC”. Invite speakers early on. – Create a CRAFT 2009 timing synchronization CMS note? – Slow particle timing in CSC – Update my personal web page (dates from 2002)
10/20/09 UCLA Meeting Hauser 10/9 Backup Slides
TMB #1 ALCT TOF delay TMB #2 ALCT TOF delay Master clock collision At BC0 ALCT1 ALCT2 TMB #1 sync TMB #2 sync Muon from BC0 TMB BC0 out TMB BC0 return Aligned! BC0 timing diagram: TX 2 bc0 delay TX 1 bc0 delay tx 1 TOF delay tx 2 TOF delay S 2 Skewclear delayS 1 Skewclear delay TMB clocks ALCT clocks S 2 Skewclear delay S 1 Skewclear delay rx 1 TMB-in phase rx 2 TMB-in phase RX 1 input data delay RX 2 input data delay CSC #1 CSC #2 Physical connections: time (bx) 2 CSCs, TMB ALCT