Early Childhood Development Feel free to chat with each other. We will start class at 9:00 PM ET! Seminar Six: Social and Cognitive Development of the Toddler
Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory: Autonomy Versus Shame and Doubt Develop trust in environment Develop trust in caregivers Develop trust in self Results in independence (Black & Puckett, 2009)
Pro-social Behaviors Kindness Sympathy Generosity Helpfulness Sense of unfairness (Black & Puckett, 2005)
Multiple Intelligence Theory Interpersonal IQ: People skills Intrapersonal IQ: In touch with feelings Spatial IQ: visually perceptive Bodily-kinesthetic IQ: manipulates objects and body movements Musical IQ: talented musically (Black & Puckett, 2009)
More IQ’s Linguistic IQ: skills in word usage and meanings. Can be verbal or written skills. Logical-mathematical IQ: likes figures, patterns, or logical equations. Naturalist IQ: relate to plants, animals, or nature. Spiritual IQ: relate to mysteries of life. Existential IQ: ability to locate oneself in the cosmos (Black & Puckett, 2009)
How are you smart? Visit the website below and take a brief quiz that will determine your strengths and how you are smart. Come back ready to share!
How do young children think? Sensory input Egocentric Relies on labels for meaning Relates new learning to past experiences Just beginning to understand the relationship between cause and effect (Black & Puckett, 2009)
Thinking….hmm… Has difficulty organizing thoughts into words Has difficulty retelling events Impulsive Difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy Takes things literally Displays an age-appropriate level of logic and reasoning (Black & Puckett, 2009)
How can interactive play help children to learn social and cognitive skills (prosocial behaviors)?
Children learn to……. Play and work with others Make choices and encounter the consequences of those choices Figure out how to enter play situations with others Negotiate social conflicts with language Develop other skills that characterize socially competent human beings (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997, p. 118)
What are some examples of ways (or activities) to help toddlers develop healthy social skills?
Ways …. Teacher/Parent Role Facilitate positive interactions Helping children make choices Promoting entry into play groups Helping negotiate conflicts Promoting self control Environment and curriculum (Preusse, 2008)
How can we support the natural desire that the toddler has for independence?
Ways to promote independence … Allow the toddler to pick his own clothes. Allow the toddler to try new things even if he might make mistakes. Try not to be dominant while playing with a toddler. Any other ideas?
Describe some behaviors of toddlers and the challenge they present to care givers.
Challenges … Temper Tantrums Terrible Twos - "No!" being the most used word Emerging independence Bites or hits (The National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies, 2011).
Things to do… Complete the Readings Participate in Discussion Participate in Seminar Complete Graded Review
References Black, J.K., & Puckett, M.P., (2009). The young child: Development from prebirth through age eight. Fourth Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc Bredekamp, S., & Copple, C. (Eds.; 1997). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs. Washington, DC: NAEYC. Jupiter Images Corporation, (2007). Clipart.com. Retrieved August 28, 2007 from website: Segal, M., Bardige, B., Woika, M., Leinfelder, J., (2006). All about child care and early education: A comprehensive resource for child care professionals. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.