1. Persuasive Methods The ways we persuade matter as much as the content we convey. Why??? The reader’s interest hangs in the balance.
Techniques for Creating a Powerful Opening Anecdote Quotation Intriguing Question Startling Statistic Opportunity Statement
Anecdote A short account of a particular incident or event of an interesting nature Refer to handout for example.
Quotation Something that is quoted from a book, speech, etc. Refer to handout for example.
Intriguing Question Quite simply, a question that will engage and intrigue your reader. Refer to handout for example.
Startling Statistic Find and list a statistic that will instantly engage your reader on either a logical or emotional level. Refer to handout for example.
Opportunity Statement A concise description of a process in need of improvement Refer to handout for example.
2. Persuasive Missteps: What to Avoid Ad hominem attacks Ad populem commentary Post hoc ergo propter hoc reasoning Non sequiturs
Missteps Continued… Red herrings Guilt by Association Absolutes Hasty generalizations
Ad hominem attacks The writer attacks the opponent's integrity, intelligence, or lifestyle and ignores the argument. Refer to handout for example.
Ad populem commentary The writer appeals to popular opinion without addressing the specifics. Refer to handout for example.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc reasoning The writer incorrectly assumes that one event caused another. Refer to handout for example.
Non sequiturs The writer states an idea that does not follow the original premise. Refer to handout for example.
Red herrings The writer raises unrelated points to advance the argument. Refer to handout for example.
Guilt by Association The writer associates an opponent or a proposition with a guilty party. Refer to handout for example.
Absolutes The writer uses superlatives (anyone, every time, nobody) to advance a point. Refer to handout for example.
Hasty Generalizations The writer uses data carelessly by generalizing about specific data. Refer to handout for example.
3. Anticipate Objections By raising opposing positions, you strengthen, not weaken, your argument. Refer to handout for example.
4. Offer Concessions By accepting the validity of certain viewpoints, you prove your fairness. Refer to handout for example.
5. Bringing It Home Try to persuade the reader to agree with your viewpoint. Close with a clear course of action: –Business –Legal –Politics Refer to handout for example.