Recap The slippery slope fallacy Starting out in one direction and carrying on ‘too far’ in that direction with sufficient evidence/argument. ‘there is an old saying about how if you allow a camel to poke his nose into the tent, soon the whole camel will follow’. For example, "Allowing abortion in the first week of pregnancy would lead to allowing it in the ninth month." Or, "If we legalize marijuana, then more people will try heroin." Or, "If I make an exception for you then I'll have to make an exception for everyone."
Recap Post hoc ergo propter hoc "after this, so because of this." Because event 2 follows event 1, event 1 is the cause of event 2 ‘The rooster crows before sunrise, therefore the crowing rooster causes the sun to rise’
False Dilemmas Either/or claims suggesting there are only two options. One of which is usually awful – this way we accept the option the arguer wants us to! ‘Eat your vegetables or you won’t grow tall/beautiful/smart’ Sound familiar?! P.62 example. False Dilemma structure: (p1) Either A or B (p2) It is not the case that A (c) B Tasks on p.64
Remaining Fallacies The remaining fallacies we will look at, concern appeals to irrelevant considerations – i.e. things which do not prove the truth of the conclusion. Attacking the person Appeals to consequences Appeals to illegitimate authorities Appeals to ignorance.
Attacking the person Sometimes known as the ‘ad hominem’ (to the man) fallacy. Putting forward a new claim regarding the person involved rather than a response to the claim itself. P.67 summary P.68 tasks