Welcome to the J. Paul Truluck Library J. Paul Truluck Intermediate School Mr. Hill
I am excited to work with you this year. This is my ninth year as a media specialist, my fourth year at this school. I love reading, doing research on interesting subjects, and using computers and other technology.
I have read many great books. Currently I’m reading SC Junior Book Award Nominee
Media Center Policies Please bring your student ID to the library to expedite checkout. You can check out up to two books for a two-week loan period. Books may be renewed, but once you are finished please turn in. You are expected to return books on time. Having overdue books will incur library debt. You may lose the privilege of borrowing or renewing library books and attending certain school events until your obligations are fulfilled.
Policies Continued Make sure that you keep up with and take care of anything you check out from the library. You will be held responsible for the cost of lost or damaged books. When you visit the library, you are expected to have something to do, whether it is checking out or returning a book, reading, studying or research. If you are not keeping busy, you will be sent back to class. MAKE SURE YOUR AGENDA IS SIGNED.
Computer Use Computers are to be used for school work only (Acceptable Use Policy [AUP] applies). Please ask for permission before you print anything. Make sure to take care of all computers. Make sure you sign in to the particular computer you will be using and stay at it during the period.
Rules and Expectations Horse-playing is not allowed. Quiet voices only OR NO TALKING. Raise your hand if you have a question. No food, gum, sunflower seeds or drinks allowed. Please be courteous and respectful to others at all times.
Consequences 1st incident – Verbal warning. 2nd incident – Conference with student and sent back to class (if visiting in small groups). 3rd incident – Intervention (loss of library privileges, parental contact). 4 th – 7 th incident – Citations leading to referral on 7 th incident Severe disruptions – Office referral. Depending on the situation I can skip steps if necessary.
Rewards Praise for doing a good job. “Good News” cards sent home. Positive phone calls. Extra library privileges.
The most important thing to remember when you are in the library is to show RESPECT for yourself and others.
I hope you look forward to visiting the library and choosing your book to enjoy. Here are some of the different types of books that you will be able to find this year.
Fiction Books Books that are make- believe. Sometimes the events could have happened, and sometimes they are based on fantasy.
Non-Fiction Books Books that are true, factual, and real–life. The events in these books really took place, and the information is all based on facts.
Biography A true story about someone’s life.
Reference Books Encyclopedias Atlases Almanacs Dictionaries A thesaurus is a dictionary of synonyms.
Periodicals Newspapers Magazines Periodicals have new editions published on a regular schedule – daily, weekly, monthly, etc.
Computers Computers can help you find books using the Online Catalog. Also there are great websites on the Internet that can help you do research. One example is DISCUS.
Many books in the library have Reading Counts quizzes. These are tests that give you points based on what you remember about the book. Earn enough points and enjoy the incentives!
I want us all to enjoy our time in here. Let us all work together to make our library experience the best one possible!