You can make your creations public or private There are endless amounts of templates There is a tour of the sight to show how to use it Really cool and easy to use and navigate Similar to power point You can view presentations already made Gives you a lot of freedom to change your presentation. (shapes, duplicate, charts, adding media, and images) Advantages
What it looks like when making a presentation
These are some of the templates
Disadvantages Can only make the presentation private if you pay otherwise it is public Can be slow to work
Platforms (PC/MAC) Not shown
Devices (tablets, mobile, ect.)
Do you need an account? No, it is free to make an account by giving them your and password You can upgrade to different versions of the sight.
Is there an upgrade?
Is it fee-based? No, but it does have upgrades
Is there a teacher account? No but there are education templates that teachers can use
How do you share final presentations? You upload them to your computer to save. You can make them public or private (only if you pay for premium you can get private)