PP Unit 7 Seminar
Office Hours: Primary – Phone and occasionally I will be on AIM: seabrooks09 – Tuesday’s 4pm to 6pm eastern time Contact
Seminars Seminar’s – Wednesday’s 9pm to 10pm Eastern Time 10 Points for each seminar May /30 – 1 Seminars June /6; 6/13; – 2 Seminar
Discussion Board Discussion Board – Each week there is one discussion question, worth 20 points Across at least 3 days a week Response to the Topic question(s) Responses to at least 2 classmates Responses are original, thoughtful, relevant, include original evaluation, and advance the discussion Please ensure contributions are made in a timely manner to allow for student feedback ( 1Topic each week )
Discussion Board Discussion Board – Each week there is one discussion question, worth 20 points Communications must be professional and civil at all times. All posts must be done in an environment which is collaborative. Please make sure your message is substantive – more than “I agree” or less than a paragraph response. When you use information from our textbook or other sources you MUST cite references. Wait to response to a message that upsets you and be careful of what you say and how you say it. (Contact Professor)
Late Work Late Work – All assignments are due on the due date. Failure to submit on time can result in 5% deduction per week will be assessed on all late work. No late work will be accepted more than 3 weeks after the original due date or after the conclusion of Unit 7 without an extenuating circumstance AND prior instructor approval. Extenuating Circumstances: Contact your instructor immediately if you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from completing assignments, projects, and quizzes, attending seminars, or participating in the class.
1. Read : Chapter 10 in the eTextbook (Lee), Chapter 7 in the eTextbook (Mikesell) and Unit Lecture Notes 2. Review : Unit 7 Key Terms 3.Take part in Discussion - 20 Points 4. Attend Seminar - 10 Points ( 05/30/2012 ) Unit 7 – Cash Management – Collections [Part III. Managing Funds-Cash Management]
Unit 7 Seminar 8 Tax Administration and Debt Collection
9 Main Steps in Tax Administration Determining what is to be taxed Applying the tax Collecting the revenues Enforcing the law
Tax Administration and Debt Collection 10 Organizational Structure Operating divisions of the Internal Revenue Service Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board
Tax Administration and Debt Collection 11 Enforcement Verify mathematical accuracy Comparisons of tax return information Governments share computer-based data Taxpayer services What other techniques are used? What are levies on government payments? Describe abatement programs and tax amnesty programs
Tax Administration and Debt Collection 12 Technology in Tax Administration Computers draw samples for tax audits Businesses make tax payments through the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) are available on tax agencies’ websites What other techniques are used?
Tax Administration and Debt Collection 13 How do tax administration personnel relate to technology? See Figure 10-1 Intergovernmental Relations Sharing of tax-collection information among governments Linkages between federal and state income taxes—cut in federal tax may unintentionally lead to cut in state taxes
Tax Administration and Debt Collection 14 Debt Collection and Taxpayer Rights Use of private collection agencies Tax receivables, non-tax receivables, and government credit programs Taxpayer bill of rights
Unit 7 Discussion Question 15 Would total tax collections be an acceptable performance measure for a tax collection department?
References Lee, R. S. Jr., Johnson, R. W., & Joyce, P. G. (2008). Public budgeting systems (8 th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Barlett. Mikesell, J. L. (2011). Fiscal administration (8 th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.
Adjourn Have a great week… “See” you on the Discussion Boards Goodnight!