Are All Americans Equal? Sophie Gustaveson
Social Mobility Only 4% go from bottom to top. People are most likely to stay where they are. Over 40% of people are likely to make the same amount as their parents.
Income The United States is ranked 94 th internationally in income equality out of 157.
Gender National average on wage differences between men and women is 19.1 %
Race African Americans are more likely to be “stuck” economically through generations. Non-Caucasians are less likely to make more money than their parents.
Education Wealthiest 10% School Districts spend 10X more than the poorest 10%. Latino or Black students are less likely to be placed in higher courses even with the same test scores as White or Asian students.
Crime Black males were imprisoned at a rate of 6.5 longer than white males.
Works Cited "Project America: Crime: Prison Population: Prison Population by Race." Project America: Crime: Prison Population: Prison Population by Race. N.p., 9 Feb Web. 26 Apr "All Countries, Dependencies, and Territories." WolframAlpha. A Wolfram Web Resource, n.d. Web. 22 Apr "Pursuing the American Dream: Economic Mobility Across Generations." The Pew Charitable Trusts. N.p., 9 July Web. 22 Apr "The Jobs With The Biggest (And Smallest) Pay Gaps Between Men and Women." Npr. National Public Radio, 12 Feb Web. 22 Apr "Race Matters." (n.d.): 1-2. Web. 22 Apr