Agenda 1. Key Activities, Accomplishments and Status 2. Meeting Notes and Action Items
Project Management and Reporting Attended kick-off meeting
Enterprise Services Inventory Blueprint and Roadmap Participated in weekly Enterprise Architecture Review Board meetings to present, actively discuss and contribute to Architecture and Design reviews and discussions Provided approach and timeline for initial service inventory update. Reviewed with ARB. Revising based on ARB feedback. Revising existing descriptions in service inventory spreadsheet to correct inaccuracies and ambiguities [75% complete] Adding capabilities for each service (split into candidate and actual) to service inventory spreadsheet
Service Specification Templates No update in this reporting period Services Portfolio and Wiki Management No update in this reporting period Service Specification Reviews No update in this reporting period Service specification standards, templates, best practices and processes No update in this reporting period
2TRANSCEND Integration and Architecture Continued to work with the Program and Engineering teams to update 2TRANSCEND JIRA project with Risk assessments, mitigation plan and assignments; reviewed risks, mitigation plans and status in weekly meetings Updated 2TRANSCEND deployment architecture document to revise memory requirements for caArray/caIntegrator node Reviewed, checked-in, and distributed change summary for updates to the iHub CDA Mapping spreadsheet and examples for the latest information and decisions on other-specific reason, multiple serious reasons for an AE, specimen characteristics site (and side), specimen type, consent (withdrawn), and removal of translation codes
Enterprise Architecture Repository No update in this reporting period
Risk Description: Information about the format for providing multiple reasons for a serious adverse event was not provided by UCSF. Impact: There is a possibility that the example created by the 2TRANSCEND Integration team will not work well with THE.Force and will need to be revised. A revision is unlikely to require expert CDA architect resources; however, the original specification was done using expert CDA architect resources that are not available under the current ESSRT contract.
Action Items from prior meetings Decisions from today’s meeting Actions Items identified in today’s meeting