Introduction to Astronomy
Ancient Astronomy Ancient Chinese and Greeks made detailed studies of the night time sky. 1300 B.C. and 500 B.C. respectively The Egyptians were the earliest to show significant sophistication in astronomy. 5000 B.C.
Refer to pgs (old book) 1. What apparent changes do you see in the position of stars throughout the seasons? 2. Locate the Big Dipper in all 4 seasonal maps. How does the position of the Big Dipper change during the year? 3. Look at the constellations that surround the Big Dipper in each season. Compared to the Big Dipper, do the positions of these constellations change throughout the year? 4. Based on your answers, do stars change position throughout the year when compared to each other?
Groups of stars were connected in imaginary patterns called constellations. Some stars/constellations are always visible at night, but in different positions throughout the year. Others disappear and reappear during different seaons. What did the ancient astronomers see? Stars appeared to be fixed in their relative positions, but rotated above them every night.
What did the ancient astronomers see? Saw points of light that looked like stars, but moved across the night sky in strange ways. They called these “planets”. The Sun always rises in the East and sets in the West, but the path it takes cycles with the seasons.
Why was this important? All of these observations have been used to deduce the true nature and organization of the Earth and the rest of the celestial bodies.