Sea lion biome: A sea lions biome is the ocean, coastlines, and rocks for the most part. In result of that sea lions can be found in most any oceans except the North Atlantic, this includes the tropics and sub polar waters by either of the poles. Sea lions live in colonies they come upon rocks or beach's to colonize due to such a large size of the colonies. Sea lion fun facts: There are 7 different types of sea lion species. Sea lions are capable of diving 600 feet in the water when searching for food. Sea lions can reach a maximum speed of 25 miles per hour! A male steller sea lion can weigh up to 2,500 pounds and be as long as 11 feet!
Giraffes Biome: Giraffes usually inhabit grasslands, savannas, and open woodlands. Giraffes generally eat trees and shrubs in their habitat. A savanna is a grassland with scattered trees and plants. Savannas are always warm and hot with a annual rainfall of inches a year. Giraffe fun facts: A giraffes heart can weigh more than 24 pounds! 75 litres is how much blood a giraffes heart can beat around the body per minute. A giraffes heart is 2 feet long. A large male giraffe can eat up to 100 pounds a day of food.
Chimpanzees Biome: Chimpanzees can be found in wet savannas and tropical forests in central and western Africa. Chimpanzees spend time in trees and on the ground as well. At night they go up into the trees and make a nest where they sleep. Tropical forests consists of tall trees and year round warmth. An average of inches of rainfall per year in the tropical forest. Chimpanzee fun facts: Chimpanzee males are 7 times stronger than a human man. Chimpanzees live to about 50 or 60 years of age. Girls chimpanzees learn much faster than boy chimpanzees.
Zebra Biome: Zebras live in savannas and/or sub desserts, Even though these types of environments are found all around the world zebras live throughout Africa. In the dry season it can get up to 93* degrees Fahrenheit. During the rainy season the temperature can cool down to about 61* degrees Fahrenheit. The annual rainfall is about 59 inches. Zebra fun facts: Every zebra has a unique and different pattern of stripes. Zebras have excellent eyesight and hearing. Zebras stand up while sleeping.
Kangaroos Biome: Kangaroos are found in Australia and Tasmania. They live in woodland, shrub, and plains. Kangaroos have adapted to a wide variety of habitats including shorelines. In the wild kangaroos eat grasses, forbs (broadleaved flowering plant), and shrub. Kangaroo fun facts: Kangaroos can jump very high sometimes three times their own height. Kangaroos in a group are often called: troop, court, or a mob. Kangaroos usually live to be about six years old in the wild.
If I could be any 1 animal in my zoo I would be a sea lion. I would be a sea lion because: I would be able to live in the ocean, I would be able to eat seafood all the time, I would be able to hold my breath underwater for a longer time, I would be able to live in California If I was a California sea lion, and I would be able to swim 25 miles per hour at the maximum. The type of biome I would be living in would be a ocean biome.