Loading: Hydrostatic load 196 KN/m2 Overpressure load during operation of 2 KN/m2 Overpressure load in case of accident of 35 KN/m2 Foam and membrane weight of 1.7 KN/m2 Structure self-weight (Steel density of 7850 kg/m3) Structural assessment was performed by determining the displacements and the stresses in the elements by using FEA procedures Structural strength and stability - was performed as follows : Cross- section and buckling resistance was verified according to the NF EN Joints resistance was verified according to the NF EN
Combination of actions Two combinations of actions were considered to verify the structural stability of the structure: Where: G k,j is the permanent load and the hydrostatic pressure Q is the overpressure A is the overpressure in case of accident Structural analysis The structural stability of the structure was verified by performing a global analysis, and subsequently by performing an individual stability check of the members. The internal forces and moments were determined by second order analysis taking into account the influence of the deformation of the structure. Calculation model The structure was modelled with the SCIA software and all the elements were meshed used the beam element Operation conditions Accidental conditions
Boundary conditions The joints were modelled as: pinned, in which there are no transmission of bending moments; continuous, in which there are transmission of all possible internal forces and moments. Supports were modelled as: simple, in which there are no transmission of bending moments; a nonlinear support was considered on the bottom beams; i.e. only compression was allowed. Imperfections Internal forces and bending moments were determined taking into account the adequate imperfections. Sway imperfections in the plane of buckling were considered and determined as follows [NF EN ]: Structural stability The structure resistance was determined by verifying: The resistance of the cross-sections; The resistance of the members to instability; The resistance of the joints. Resistance of cross-sections The resistance of cross-sections was verified using the following yield criteria [NF EN ]:
Resistance of the members to instability The buckling resistance of members under compression was determined as follows [NF EN ]: The buckling resistance moment of a beam was determined as follows [NF EN ]: Members subject to combined bending and compression were checked as follows [NF EN ] : These formula provide a verification of the global stability of a member and combine cross-section checks with buckling checks. Whenever the sum of both expressions is inferior to 1, the member is considered as stable. This check is called in the SCIA software as unit check.
Combination 1 – Operation conditions X displacement of the structure (horizontal) [max: 29.1 mm] Y displacement of the structure (horizontal) [max: 15.2mm]. Z displacement of the structure (vertical) [max: 10.4 mm].
Combination 1 – Operation conditions Bending moment (about y-y axis) [maximum of kN.m] Unit check Von Mises stresses [maximum MPa] This figure provides the result of the unit check. I.e. if the unit check is superior to 1 (red marked) means that there is stability problem. The structure meets this stability requirement (marked in grey and green).
Combination 2 – Accidental conditions Structure total deformation (side view) Structure total deformation (top view) X displacement of the structure (horizontal) [max: 32.4mm]
Combination 2 – Accidental conditions Bending moment (about y-y axis) [maximum of kN.m). Unit check Von Mises stresses Von Mises stresses [maximum MPa] This figure provides the result of the unit check. I.e. if the unit check is superior to 1 (red marked) means that there is stability problem. The structure meets this stability requirement (marked in grey and green).