Math Connections By: Meny Maya
What Goes Down This is a basic ollie. You need to know this because if you don’t you can’t do any insane stuff without it. To ollie you need to know how to level yourself out. And how to jump.
How It’s Done First you pop it really hard. Then you jump. With your front foot you level it out while jumping. Then when you get to your highest point you level it out. And ride away safely.
Afterwards Once you get your ollies down you can find your CoG and do mad grab tricks. Like here for example is a Roast Beef. It’s pretty fat
Your Center Of Gravity If you don’t find your CoG before you land. Your foot will most likely slip off and you’ll do the hardcore slits. Or you’ll just fall really hard and it’ll hurt.
Final In this part I will tell you why inertia, commitment, and everything else in this video. I was not in it because my friend didn’t send me it because he’s Peter. =] 2SiIlI&hl=en# 2SiIlI&hl=en#