Internet Filtering and Safety Kevin Cherko Kirk McLaughlin David Odenweller
The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) What is the CIPA? Blocked content: ▫Obscene materials ▫Child pornography ▫Material harmful to minors
CIPA The CIPA’s effect on: ▫You as a student ▫You as a teacher ▫School libraries ▫Public libraries
CIPA Is the CIPA doing what it is intended to do? Issues with the CIPA: ▫CIPA deemed “unconstitutional” by American Library Association (ALA) ▫Never challenged in court by schools; only challenged by ALA 1 1 Chmara, Theresa. "MINORS' FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS: CIPA & School Libraries." Knowledge Quest39.1 (2010): Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 13 Mar
Popular Search Engines Google ( Bing ( Dogpile (
Safety on the Web What is the teacher’s role in keeping his or her students safe online (beyond filters)? What is the best way to control the content that the students interact with while online? What makes a website “credible” or “legitimate?”
“Credible” Websites Search Engines: ▫Ask for Kids ( for Kids ▫iSEEK Education ( Education ▫Google Scholar ( Scholar Activity/Video Websites: ▫Thinkfinity ( ▫Khan Academy ( Academy