Labor in the Gilded Age
Focus Question Identify the message of the following image. Who does this image appeal to?
Objectives: After today’s lesson, you will: Describe four major labor unions of the Gilded Age Discuss three turning points in Gilded Age labor relations
Grievances Grew Workers increasingly left out Could not affords goods produced Could not enjoy recreation Could not send children to school Matters worsened with economic crises Depression of 1873 Depression of 1893
Organize System made solitary protests difficult The only way to protest successfully was in a union Reminiscent of the old reform movements Assisted by European immigrant traditions
Early Unions (I) Knights of Labor Believed in organizing all workers Skilled and Unskilled White and Black Male and Female Fought for Higher wages The Eight Hour workday Better working conditions End to child labor
Early Unions (II) American Railway Union Conglomeration of railroad workers Allowed for collective action against the railroads Sought higher wages and better working conditions Grew exceptionally rapidly
Early Unions (III) American Federation of Labor Organized skilled craftsworkers into craft unions Refused to admit women and blacks into many affiliates Fought for Higher wages Eight hour day Better conditions End to child labor Collective bargaining rights
Early Unions (IV) Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies) Believed in organizing all workers and farmers Fought for “One Big Union” Democratic workplace Overthrow the wage system
Summary Why is it important to understand the groups and events we studied today?