Audiovisual Aids Lecture #7
Definition Audiovisual Aid – (n.) anything (in addition to your spoken word) the members of your audience can see or hear that helps them understand and remember your presentation.
Advantages of AVAs include: Adding interest Simplifying a complex topic Helping your audience remember Increasing learning (studies suggest as much as 55%)
Types of AVA The Speaker Assistants Objects Printed Materials Technology
AVA #1 – The Speaker Clothing, apparel, and equipment Physical demonstration Example – a speech on rock climbing or skateboarding
AVA #2 - Assistant If you can’t be the AVA Two (or more) is sometimes better than one Can be prepared or spontaneous Example – a speech about CPR or dancing
CPR Demo
AVA #3 - Objects Usually three dimensional tangibles Example – a speech on cooking or science experiments
Carving a Turkey
AVA #4 – Printed Materials Quantitative Information Map Chart (verbal, pie, or flow) Graph (line or bar) Visual Depiction Drawing Photograph Diagram
Charts and Graphs Simple Accessible Useful
What is this image depicting? Right Brain = Creative Left Brain = Logic
AVA #5 - Technology Video Audio Keep brief and supplemental Be prepared for technical difficulties Example – speech on history of Jazz
Audience Analysis Before preparing an AVA you should consider: Forum Demographics Prior Exposure
Guidelines for Preparation Make sure your AVA supports your point Consider and test the size, legibility, and clarity Contrast increases readability Keep it simple and professional Practice with AVA Be prepared to speak without AVA
Think about it… Sharp contrast = easy to read Poor contrast = hard to read
Using AVAs MMake sure everyone can see, hear, or engage CControl audience interaction OOnly keep visible as long as necessary MMake sure your audience has time to get what they need BBe clear and orderly with direction BBe careful with handouts MMaintain eye contact RRemember the purpose of audiovisual aid s YYou cannot be replaced; you are the messenger