Evaluation of advanced Cowpea lines for agronomic traits, yields, and response to cowpea scab caused by Sphaceloma spp. Dry Land Legume Research Program National Semi-Arid Resources Research Institute (NaSARRI), Serere Authors: Amayo R., Omadi J.R. Okwang D. and Obuo J.P
Content of the Presentation Research Background Research Objective Materials and methods Results / Research outcome Conclusion and Recommendation Acknowledgement
Research Background Cowpea (a poor man’s meat), is an economically important legume crop grown widely in the Semi-Arid regions. Fresh pods Cowpea bread Quality grains Fresh pod meal Fresh pods read for market Cowpea flour
Background Cont’d The major constraints to production and productivity of cowpea Foliar chewing pests Cowpea aphid Cowpea scab Cowpea leaf blight Storage pests
Research Objective This study was designed to contribute to enhancement of cowpea production through screening cowpea lines for different crop attributes including agronomic performance, pod and grain yield, and resistance/tolerance to cowpea scab.
Materials and methods Eleven (11) cowpea lines comprising four improved local varieties and seven promising lines were evaluated. Field evaluations for yield and growth attributes were carried out in the second rains of 2010, the two rain seasons of 2011 and in the first rain of 2012
Research Results Treatments Means Plant Height (cm)Number of BranchesDays to 50% floweringDays to 75% PoddingDays to 95% Maturity average average average Average Average Mat period ACC ACC NGOJI ACC ACC SECOW 2W ACC ACC F. Pr nsNs ns %CV SED Average Means of the agronomic traits of the promising cowpea lines in relation to SECOW 2W measured in 2010 and 2011 growing seasons
Results cont’d Treatment s Means Pod length (cm)Number of pods/plantNumber of seeds/pod100 seed weight (g)Grain yield Kg/Ha average averag e averag e average Average ACC ,7591,2181,488 ACC ,8701,7592,314 NGOJI ,3611,6201,990 ACC ,2221,3191,770 ACC ,6161,7822,199 SECOW 2W ,0141,8521,933 ACC , ,227 ACC ,9911,4351,713 F. Pr nsNsns < %CV SED Average Means of the yield components and grain yield of the promising cowpea lines in relation to SECOW 2W measured in 2010 and 2011 growing seasons
Results cont’d Mean Rainfall (millilitres) Mean Temperature ( ̊ C) Year st Season nd Season Differences in weather condition in 2010, 2011and 2012 growing seasons
Results cont’d
Conclusions Only two promising lines (ACC25 and ACC26) that out yielded SECOW 2W Majority of the promising lines were either erect or semi-erect Cowpea lines (SECOW 3B, SECOW 4W, SECOW 2W, ACC11, ACC12 and ACC2 that showed good resistance response
Acknowledgement ATAAS / WORLDBANK GoU