Agenda 1 - Refinement of your design (in black and white) Based on the reviews from your peers and your own opinion, select your final logo design. Clean up the lines, work on balance of black and white Refine your drawing of objects. Go back to visual reference if necessary SPEND THE TIME TO MAKE IT PERFECT!! 2 - Get Step 5 checked off once complete. 3 - Start working on your color version. Copy your final logo onto an Illustrator doc. Copy several times and work with color combinations. Try 2 colors. Try 3… Try a version using the mesh tool to get more sophisticated color. SAVE ALL VERSIONS on your illustrator sketch sheet! You will turn it in with your final logo! (also, keep your sheet from step 4!) For the color version, use Pantone color (window > swatch libraries > color books > PANTONE solid coated or matte) 4 - Setup your final logo sheet. Layout with 2 black and white sizes (1” and 4”) and 2 color sizes (1” and 4”). See demo on this and directions/example on next page and list of items you will turn in on the final page of the agenda
LAYOUT OF FINAL LOGO DESIGN: Top Half of Page: Approx 1” width logo in b/w Approx 4-5” logo in b/w upper left: - company name - colors used with 1/4” swatch squares and named Pantone color - fonts used Bottom Half of Page: Approx 1” width logo in color Approx 4-5” logo in color upper left: - company name - colors used with 1/4” swatch squares and named Pantone color - Fonts used * your fonts should be outlined for submission to turn in folder
What to turn in for this project: 1 - Final logo sheet (seen at right >) with all 4 versions (small/big, bw and color) Type must be outlined 2 - Logo checklist (handout) 3 - Original sketches (pencil) 4 - Illustrator “sketches” (step 4) with 10 designs that you digitized 5 - Color versions 2 color, 3 color, meshed version… etc. all the combinations you tried out before getting to your final version 6 - put ALL items into a folder with your name (except checklist) and submit to turn in folder by beginning of the class on Friday!