Pre-Columbian Societies Objective #1: Describe the first inhabitants of America
The “Discovery” of America The “discovery” of America did not begin with Christopher Columbus Over 10,000 years ago the first humans crossed a land bridge from Asia through the Bering Strait (now Alaska) This migration was probably the result of the development of new stone and hunting tools made to pursue large animals (that regularly crossed between Asia and North America) “Ice-Age” animals
The First Inhabitants The first inhabitants are thought to have come from Mongolia Evidence shows that not all inhabitants came across the Bering Strait, but instead came by boat Some settled in South America (Peru, Chile) This evidence suggests that America was quite diverse and perhaps included people from: Polynesia Japan Siberia Europe
The “Archaic” Period (8000 B.C. – 3000 B.C.) During the Archaic Period, most humans supported themselves through hunting and gathering Some stone tools and spears were used to hunt large animals (that led the first humans across the Bering Strait) Later in the Archaic Period, nets and hooks were developed for fishing, traps for small animals, baskets for gathering Farming began to take place at the end of the period (corn, beans, squash)
Hunting and Gathering during the Archaic Period